Hope everyone in Ian's path is ok!

For me I have friends who have friends in Western Florida. All are ok but I don’t know about damages.
My friend lives in Raleigh and she said lots of rain and winds. They didn’t lose power.
I was following Ian on TV radar weather for the past few days. Wow, that sucker was HUGE!
We dodged a bullet again. Just crazy wind and rain for us. We did really need the rain though. My sister missed the Neptune Festival because it was canceled. Hope everyone else fared well that got caught up in it.
An elderly friend's sister is retired in central Florida in an apartment. As of Sunday AM no electricity, running water, natural gas, only ittermittant cell phone service. A buiding at the Gulf end of the complex was damaged, but not her building in the middle.
After age 33 I moved 1000 miles inland from my previous home of Houston. My supervisor at a JSC support contractor had storm damage ruin his walls, carpet, contents, twice in four years. One hurricane day I watched the bayous run backward towards my high+dry house in Almeda-Genoa (unfashionably ethnic) on the way to work (roads closed by fire trucks).
We get F2 tornadoes here infrequently, but I have a concrete lined basement. Bought this house on purpose for tornado resistance. Earthquakes are limited to Richter 5.5. Drought only affects the crop yield, not the fire hazard to forests. Low pay, low taxes, low risk, no news from here.
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We cut our Tennessee vacation short to avoid the storm. Drove home to PA on I-81 in pouring rain & wind anyway though.

This falls into nothingness compared to what some poor folks are going through.
Originally, when the storm center predicted the storm was going right up the western coast of Florida and into the panhandle, it looked like we might have some trouble (we're 10 miles from the Gulf coast). Definetly had MY attention anyway! Then they said it was going to turn right at Tampa, and as we are a couple hours north of there we knew the brunt of the storm was going to be south of us. Then, when it turned sooner, before even getting to Tampa, we knew we were in the clear. We ended up with what amounted to an afternoon T-storm. About an inch of rain and the wind blew around a little bit.

What I don't get is, why the news (talking heads) was/is doing all this blabbing, trying to place blame regarding "late warnings" for the people that ended up in the storms path? Did they know the storm was going to turn before it did? Did they know before the storm prediction folks did? Hell no they didn't. Nobody knew the exact path. That's why the storm centerss use those "cones" to show where they are predicting it's path. That "late warning" talk is another perfect example of our news coverage being sensationalized....

My heart goes out to these folks that lost everything....