Hitting Decision Wall Between Bikes - Any Input Appreciated!

Hi all! So sorry for the delay. I hope I hit all the replies below. You have all been SO very helpful and I appreciate it very much!

@Alaskan Thank you for the reply—I called the bike shops in Iowa City and one has Specialized, the other has Trek models. (Thanks @Amy too !)

So I could get there to try those out. As you said, they are only pedal assist, which is largely fine—I'd not be relying on "full electric" terribly much. Just wanting to have the option if needed and thus why I've been looking at bikes with all 3 options in one. Trying the Trek and Specialized out is likely worth it though just to see what they're like.


@raceto100 Wow! That is such a helpful breakdown. Now I am leaning towards the M-Class again :p And YES! the analysis paralysis is the worst and something I'm very prone to—researching such decisions is a rabbit hole (and especially when I do it for every thing... like a new printer I need too! ) :p Your point-by-point was extremely helpful.


@AlanDB Yay! Fellow Iowans :) I'm in the Iowa City area—and did find that two stores here cary Trek and Specialized respectively, but these are only pedal-assist. I still may give them a test bike just to see.

I'll look into the CR stores–thanks for the heads up on them. I'm not able to get up there easily, however, as I don't have a car. But I can call and see what they have and if it's anything but pedal assists. Could probably find a ride if needed :) Should have through to check CR ... I've been so deep in teh research and all the internet-based bikes. :p


Thank you for the clarifications on "normal" pedaling with mid-drives @raceto100 and @PDoz and @larry-new


Thank you @John from Connecticut I will go by the one that has Trek & the one that has Specialized. I'd like to be able to try out the kind of bike I've been looking at more (the mid drive smaller models), but this may not be possible it seems. Still, I think going and trying out whatever I can may help me have a better idea of what to look for online even.


@larry-new yes! I've read more reviews that I know what to do with :p All of the ones available on this site for the kinds of needs I have (some of the ones I'm looking at specifically don't have reviews on here yet). Also looked for comparative reviews, watched videos, etc.

It's helpful in many respects, but can also lead to indecision and info overload :p


@Sushi I'm glad you finally found your fit! And yes, I do want to be sure I'm getting the right bike... it's so hard to know when I can't just go to a store and try out all the ones I'm looking into. But I want to really do my best to make the right choice!
Oh and! Does anyone have any experience with Luna Cycle brand? I came across them in a thread on this site, but can't find any reviews on this site's review catalogue for their brand.

I was looking at their folding ebike.
I do have a Luna for 2 years and has been problem free. I placed a brake sensor so I can actively disegage the motor when shifting and then reengage only when I'm certain that the shift has completed. I also detuned it so the peak electrical input is less than 800 watts only.

Detuning and correct shifting (no slamming) is the key to the ebike's longivity here.

Oh and! Does anyone have any experience with Luna Cycle brand? I came across them in a thread on this site, but can't find any reviews on this site's review catalogue for their brand.

I was looking at their folding ebike.


You're going in a whole other direction now... which can only mean a near terminal case of analysis paralysis....lol. The only cure is get on an ebike and test ride. Have you been on an e-bike before?

Regarding the M-Class, try contacting Ariel Rider and see if they have people (customers) in your area who might let you test a bike. I've heard here on the forum that some online only companies have a program for testing out their bikes which relies on happy customers.

The Luna folding bike only has a teeny 52v 300wh battery with a 750w motor. Which means in theory it will be quick for only a short distance, perhaps for a rider who wants to commute to and from the train to their house which is about 10 miles from the station as quick as possible.

Does that sound like what you need?

I do have a Luna for 2 years and has been problem free. I placed a brake sensor so I can actively disegage the motor when shifting and then reengage only when I'm certain that the shift has completed. I also detuned it so the peak electrical input is less than 800 watts only.

Detuning and correct shifting (no slamming) is the key to the ebike's longivity here.

Thank you for sharing @Trail Cruiser ! I appreciate it. I wish I was savvy with the mechanical aspects of all of this. I'm big on researching and learning, so it's not that I"m not willing to do so, I just lack the time to get to a proficient level given all my other responsibilities with work.

It's very helpful to hear your experience. I do wonder if what @raceto100 said about the folding Luna woudl be an issue? The "teeny 52v 300wh battery with a 750w motor"?


You're going in a whole other direction now... which can only mean a near terminal case of analysis paralysis....lol. The only cure is get on an ebike and test ride. Have you been on an e-bike before?

Regarding the M-Class, try contacting Ariel Rider and see if they have people (customers) in your area who might let you test a bike. I've heard here on the forum that some online only companies have a program for testing out their bikes which relies on happy customers.

The Luna folding bike only has a teeny 52v 300wh battery with a 750w motor. Which means in theory it will be quick for only a short distance, perhaps for a rider who wants to commute to and from the train to their house which is about 10 miles from the station as quick as possible.

Does that sound like what you need?


Ha! I totally am deep in analysis paralysis to a debilitating level :p The only bikes I can test in my area are the pedal-assist types as the only ones carried by local stores are the Specialized and Trek.

I have spoken with Ariel Rider but didn't check about if there is anyone in my area. I will message them to see—I think they're in CA and I'm out in Iowa, but who knows ;P

I did see a Sondors at a bike rack yesterday and almost left a note with my phone # explaining that I was trying to decide and would love to be able to talk to them about their experience. But, I wasn't sure if that would be super weird/creepy thing to do, so I didn't...

As for the "in theory it will be quick for only a short distance", no I am wanting to be able to cover longer distances. I just saw that Luna has the higher wattages than others typically... I just can't seem to wrap my head around the volts/wh/w and how it all connects and the various options enough to be able to tell as you have that certain pairings will maybe not result in what I'm wanting.

The more I read to try and understand and decide, the worse it gets :p

I would LOVE to be able to test out all the ones I'm looking into... Maybe I shoudl leave a note if I ever see another :p

If I had more money, I'd not be so very stuck with the decision, but I really can't be getting more than one of these atm, so it makes the decision much weightier.