Hit-and-Run Fatalities Soar as More People Bike to Work - WSJ


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Hit-and-Run Fatalities Soar as More People Bike to Work
Report finds close to 70% of fatalities are cyclists or pedestrians
Scott Calvert
April 26, 2018 5:30 a.m. ET

Hit-and-run crash deaths are rising nationwide, and pedestrians and bicyclists account for close to 70% of the victims, according to a new report, as more people cycle to work and motor-vehicle fatalities are at a near-decade-high level.
The number of hit-and-run fatalities jumped 61% from 2009 to 2016, the most recent year for which data are available, according to the report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Rest of story is behind a paywall https://www.wsj.com/articles/hit-and-run-fatalities-soar-as-more-people-bike-to-work-1524735001
Sad statistics which should energize city staff and cycling advocacy groups to focus on creating more bike lanes, especially protected lanes. Also, cyclists of all types, including ebikers need to be aware of their surroundings, Wear a Helmet and add extra reflective material on the bike and clothing if possible and add more white blinky lights. Those flashing lights help a lot to get car drivers' attention, even during the daytime. Finally, distracted riding, like distracted driving can lead to unfortunate accidents. In Austin, TX the city council made cycling with mobile devices follow the same "hands free" law that car drivers have to follow.
The other day a driver drifted over into the bike lane and almost took me out; he was looking at his phone.
I haven't had anyone drift into my lane while biking, but I've had quite a few try to beat me to the intersection and then make a right turn in front of me. If the day comes that someone hits me, my first words to the First Responders on the scene will be, "Give the GoPro to my wife."
One thing I wish bike shops would do: sell air horns!

Everyone who owns one cherishes it. I am waiting for a clamp to put mine back on, and I feel naked without it every time a driver does a jerk move.

Cosign Ann's call for more protective infrastructure.
Hit-and-Run Fatalities Soar as More People Bike to Work
Report finds close to 70% of fatalities are cyclists or pedestrians
Scott Calvert
April 26, 2018 5:30 a.m. ET

Hit-and-run crash deaths are rising nationwide, and pedestrians and bicyclists account for close to 70% of the victims...

I didn't read the article but I pay attention anytime I see local news headlines about a cyclist or pedestrian accident - and particularly the hit-and-runs. I have no facts to back this up but it seems like I am seeing hit-and-runs reported in the news on a weekly basis in my area. If I based an opinion just on what I think I've read in the news in the last few years, that opinion would be that the hit-and-runs are epidemic. I've quipped to my friends that the first rule of driving in metro Detroit must be: if you run over somebody, you'd best take off - and its likely you'll never be caught.

Its just crazy and sad. And my opinion the consequences for hitting and/or killing a pedestrian or cyclist (also based on anecdotal evidence of news stories I've seen) is that the sentencing is a joke. There was a recent sentencing of a woman in my area who ran down a cyclist and left that cyclist to die alone in the roadway. The driver turned herself in the next day (too late to draw blood). She only received 4 months of prison time. As I tried to find that article I just easily stumbled on multiple examples of extremely light sentencing given to drivers who kill:


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