Hi from Philly via NYC, LA, and Arkansas


Hi all, I'm new to ebiking but loving it so far. I'm currently in the Philly area but somewhat nomadic during covid. I'm often in Arkansas, Santa Monica, and NYC. I recently purchased an Allant 8S in the splendid sales tax free state of Delaware and I'm about 2 weeks with it and ready to consider tweaks to make it mine. I joined the forum to learn what others are doing and especially to avoid mistakes others have already learned from.


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Welcome Expat to the wonderful world of EBR. Lots of friendly people and plenty of advice. Keep n riding and good luck.
Hi all, I'm new to ebiking but loving it so far. I'm currently in the Philly area but somewhat nomadic during covid. I'm often in Arkansas, Santa Monica, and NYC. I recently purchased an Allant 8S in the splendid sales tax free state of Delaware and I'm about 2 weeks with it and ready to consider tweaks to make it mine. I joined the forum to learn what others are doing and especially to avoid mistakes others have already learned from.
Delaware here; welcome to the area, and to e-bikes
welcome!! Bike looks great! I have the Allant+ 8S as well and its such a great bike to ride.
If you don't mind me asking what area of Philly? I'm in the northeastern suburbs of Philly, lower Bucks County
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Expat just picked up a Vado 5 SL from Keswick in Paoli. Live in Chester Springs and ride the Chester Valley Trail. Use to date a gal in Manayunk and remember the Core States bike race that went through there. The hill climb was brutal.
Just posted my first time 2 minutes ago. Interesting, I'm in AR, went to grad school and taught in Philly, have kids who just moved from Santa Monica to Burbank (closer to CBS) and recently in NYC to attend my son's reception at a Chelsea gallery. If and when, lunch is on me.