Hi From Gran & Gramps Pedego-go's in Northern Virginia


Bike riders all our lives we've hung up our cleats and bought two Pedago Boomerang Platinums to keep us upright in the saddle until we fly west. So here we touch down in Alexandria, Virginia, after 34 years in the US Air Force. Many of those years were spent in England, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, and Korea where we cycled often and were fortunate to always find local biking partners.

These Pedegos are odd looking heavy things but they are just right for aging wobbly boomers like us. If I have to eject from one of these beasts I simply swing my leg through the very low frame and hope my chute works...so to speak. Hopefully that won't be necessary.

We've found the Pedego subforum and have already interacted with some very knowledgeable and friendly folks. Thanks for welcoming us to your wonderful forum and to Court for creating this ebike community. We enjoy reading about your biking trips and adventures you post with photos and maps. Amazing...thank you.
Welcome to the site & the electric side of the hobby.
Last time I ejected @ 25 mph I had no road burn on arms or legs. Was wearing dickies long sleeve long pants mechanic's wear, plus $1 cotton poly gloves. Ones with the dots. Even if my 71 YO head knows which way is up, there is always gravel.
BTW, I was a ground pounder. Army 3 1/4 years.