Hi From a Proud Ribble owner and PulsarOne question


New Member
United Kingdom
Hi there, had my Ribble CGR ALe for a couple of months now and I'm loving it! I'm 64 and just retired, been a keen cyclist all my life and I thought the Ribble would be the ideal retirement present to someone with slightly dodgy knees and the desire to cover a bit more distance. Well worth the 6 month wait for delivery! My wife (not such a keen cyclist) has had her Ribble AL e hybrid for over a year and she loves that too.

The only thing I don't like about my CGR ALe is the iWOC control button, ridiculous (and possible dangerous) to have to take your hands off the bars to change assist levels. I think the newer Ribble hybrids have the iWOC Triple controller which is a bit better but not really suitable for drop bars (it also requires hard wiring in). In an effort to get round this I decided to try an aftermarket solution. The first one I tried was the Garmin Remote, a wireless device with 3 buttons to shift power levels up and down (and turn on integrated lighting). This mounted nicely on the top bar and paired with the ebike system easily but right from the start didn't change power levels reliably. It wouldn't turn the assist level to zero at all. Sent that one back. Then I tried the PulsarOne dcontroller/computer. This one is a made by Mahle (who actually make the x35 system on the Ribble and many other e-bikes) so should work properly you would think... well it doesn't! It mounts nicely on the bar using any standard Garmin mount you can get hold of (doesn't come with a mount) and pairs easily with the system however, once again, as with the Garmin Remote it doesn't reliably change power levels every time. It's got a mind of its own, sometimes changing up or down levels after you've pressed the button. Apparently, it only works with a newer version of the x35 firmware so the question is: Does anyone know how to see which firmware version one has and how to upgrade the firmware in the Ribble? I paid around £100 for the PulsarOne and I don't want to send it back as it so nearly works perfectly. I think it comes as standard on Orbea bikes and I've seen people commenting on the same problem with changing assist levels.
To see the firmware you must register a route with the ebikemotion application, it can be only 500 meters once recorded you go to the ebikemotion website and enter with your username and password and in the section my ebikes you will see all the data, if you have iM2EM101 you will not It will work well, or it will do it randomly, which is what you say to work well you have to put iM2EM121 and it has to be done by a distributor with some cables and software that ebikemotion sends you, at the moment they do not have cables due to the lack of components, but that's the procedure. https://wilier.com/es/int/eshop/equipamiento/display-pulsarone-para-sistema-mahle-x35, entra en este enlace y luego ves a manual usuario es un pdf y explica lo del software.
Thanks for the information, I've registered a route in the app and I can now see that I don't have the latest firmware. Mahle tells me that I'm two versions behind the latest and that they have instructions for the distributor on how to update. If the distributor doesn't have the cables though, I guess they won't be able to do it even if I could get the bike back to them (which will be pretty inconvenient to say the least). I'm waiting to see what Ribble have to say about this. Surely with the right cable and software anyone can do it?
Hi all this is a very interesting thread , to say the least I’ve just got a batribike nova and I have to take my hand off the bar to change or power up as you say quite dangerous they offer an upgrade ,Going to see what they say this morning but will watch this with very much interest
ribble will not answer, it has to be the store where you bought who has to contact ebikemotion, so that they can send you cables and software to update the battery, at the moment they have no cables due to lack of stock.
I bought the bike directly from Ribble! Ribble don't sell through bike stores (only their own showrooms or online), that's why I'm asking Ribble about this, they're just taking a long time.
Been a few months now of trying to get the firmware updated on my Ribble and still no real solution. A few weeks ago Ribble told me via email that Pure Electric (eBike store near me in Bristol) would be able to do the update and I went to see them to check. They said they had the cables/apps etc to do the upgrade and if I bought the bike in they'd do it. I took the bike in last Monday and after a week of trying they couldn't get the update files from Ribble. Ribble now tell me that a third party dealer wouldn't be able to update the firmware because they won't release the files to them. Ribble say the only option is to pack the bike up in a box and send it to them at their Preston HQ (200 miles away from me) at my expense. They do have two 'mobile mechanics' who could do it but they only operate in the Preston area. Ridiculous really as they do have a local 'Showroom' very near to me but they're only interested in selling more bikes from there, not looking after the ones they've sold.

Not sure what I'm going to do, don't really want to pack the bike up and pay to ship it...
Did you see that I had the cables to do the update? your bike battery is ant+?
I have the software to update but you have to know if it has the cables for sure.
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Thanks r1roman for this information. I would be tempted to have a go at this but for the fact(s) that it would probably invalidate any guarantee that I might have, that the DUC cable seems to be unavailable at the moment and, that the DUC cable is very expensive! It would actually be cheaper for me to send the bike back to Ribble if I could be bothered with the hassle of boxing it up and being without it for however long it would take.
Thanks r1roman for this information. I would be tempted to have a go at this but for the fact(s) that it would probably invalidate any guarantee that I might have, that the DUC cable seems to be unavailable at the moment and, that the DUC cable is very expensive! It would actually be cheaper for me to send the bike back to Ribble if I could be bothered with the hassle of boxing it up and being without it for however long it would take.
Hi - so I think there are two lots of people who apparently are authorised by Ribble - HaveBike in London and the BicycleKitchen in the New Forest - maybe you live in their areas and they can help. I have the same bike as you - I dread something going wrong (again) as I'll never get it fixed without a trip to Preston ( I live in Brighton) A brilliant bike but Ribble have without a shadow of doubt the very worst customer service imaginable.......
Dealers should not be allowed this - they should HAVE to release details/access so that you can get you bike fixed near you - it's a kind of monopoly and I wonder if it's entirely legal....electric bikes are going to need updates throughout their lives - do I have to send it to Preston every time??? I think the industry needs to wake up - Good Luck
That's very interesting chillireg, I've been having quite a long dialogue with Ribble about this issue and they admit that they have big problems in after sales backup. Interestingly, they didn't suggest either of the two outlets you mentioned, they are quite a way from me (I'm in Bristol) but certainly nearer than Preston! We actually have a Ribble outlet showroom in Bristol but they don't offer anything but selling more bikes, no after sales service at all. They also have a couple of mobile mechanics but they only operate near Preston so not that mobile. Certainly Ribble's left hand doesn't seem to know what it's right hand is up to. I'm going to give HaveBike a call, see what they can do. Big shame really, I love my bike and I had to wait 6 months to get it but I'm rapidly approaching the point where I wouldn't recommend a Ribble to anyone.

Thanks for the info
That's very interesting chillireg, I've been having quite a long dialogue with Ribble about this issue and they admit that they have big problems in after sales backup. Interestingly, they didn't suggest either of the two outlets you mentioned, they are quite a way from me (I'm in Bristol) but certainly nearer than Preston! We actually have a Ribble outlet showroom in Bristol but they don't offer anything but selling more bikes, no after sales service at all. They also have a couple of mobile mechanics but they only operate near Preston so not that mobile. Certainly Ribble's left hand doesn't seem to know what it's right hand is up to. I'm going to give HaveBike a call, see what they can do. Big shame really, I love my bike and I had to wait 6 months to get it but I'm rapidly approaching the point where I wouldn't recommend a Ribble to anyone.

Thanks for the info
Yup I'm in the same position when anyone asks me about my bike - Brilliant but please don't buy one...
Hi - so I think there are two lots of people who apparently are authorised by Ribble - HaveBike in London and the BicycleKitchen in the New Forest - maybe you live in their areas and they can help. I have the same bike as you - I dread something going wrong (again) as I'll never get it fixed without a trip to Preston ( I live in Brighton) A brilliant bike but Ribble have without a shadow of doubt the very worst customer service imaginable.......
Dealers should not be allowed this - they should HAVE to release details/access so that you can get you bike fixed near you - it's a kind of monopoly and I wonder if it's entirely legal....electric bikes are going to need updates throughout their lives - do I have to send it to Preston every time??? I think the industry needs to wake up - Good Luck
BicycleKitchen in the New Forest does not do anything software related, nor does he service any electrical parts on the bike either. I am the proud owner of a CGR ALe and my freehub and bearing have gone in the rear hub. I had to send the wheel back to Ribble and are awaiting repair as we speak (05th May 2022)
BicycleKitchen in the New Forest does not do anything software related, nor does he service any electrical parts on the bike either. I am the proud owner of a CGR ALe and my freehub and bearing have gone in the rear hub. I had to send the wheel back to Ribble and are awaiting repair as we speak (05th May 2022)
Ridiculous that you have to send a wheel back to Preston for a repair like that (or a software update for that matter). If, as you say, Ribble have lots of authorised service agents they sure don't publicise the fact and it would seem they are 'authorised' to do very little! Bit disturbed to hear of your bearing/freehub failure, after how many miles?
Ridiculous that you have to send a wheel back to Preston for a repair like that (or a software update for that matter). If, as you say, Ribble have lots of authorised service agents they sure don't publicise the fact and it would seem they are 'authorised' to do very little! Bit disturbed to hear of your bearing/freehub failure, after how many miles?
My bike has done 12,350km since I have had it December 2019.
Oh well, I suppose that's not too bad but still a pain to have to send it back. I've got a nearby branch of Pure Electric which supply Orbea ebikes with the same X35 system. They service, repair and update firmware on these bikes but Ribble won't let them touch their bikes. Stupid.
Oh well, I suppose that's not too bad but still a pain to have to send it back. I've got a nearby branch of Pure Electric which supply Orbea ebikes with the same X35 system. They service, repair and update firmware on these bikes but Ribble won't let them touch their bikes. Stupid.
Pure Electric are very near to where I live too and they told me the same thing, they are not authorised by Ribble .... so fingers crossed Ribble will get it sorted. Thank you !!
I just had another short dialogue with Mahle and they are still telling me that Pure Electric can update the firmware they just have to ask Mahle for the files. On another subject, I also asked Mahle about a 'walk assist' mode for bikes with the iWoc One single button controller. I know bikes with the iWoc Trio handlebar control have this and was wondering if it was available seeing as it's basically the same X35 system. They told me that if I held down the button for 5 seconds it would activate walk assist mode. Of course it doesn't and, when I pointed this out and asked if I'd a firmware update might make this possible they blocked my emails! How's that for customer service. Not sure who's worse, Mahle or Ribble, they've both stopped talking to me!
I just had another short dialogue with Mahle and they are still telling me that Pure Electric can update the firmware they just have to ask Mahle for the files. On another subject, I also asked Mahle about a 'walk assist' mode for bikes with the iWoc One single button controller. I know bikes with the iWoc Trio handlebar control have this and was wondering if it was available seeing as it's basically the same X35 system. They told me that if I held down the button for 5 seconds it would activate walk assist mode. Of course it doesn't and, when I pointed this out and asked if I'd a firmware update might make this possible they blocked my emails! How's that for customer service. Not sure who's worse, Mahle or Ribble, they've both stopped talking to me!
Yup - Ribble won’t talk to me either - I did write to the press but no one took it up - great big hidden secret- buyer beware - when you buy an electric bike you are committing to a lifetime of service by the shop you bought it from - unfair contract l call that … anyone got an MP they think is worth talking to ? We are currently legislating against brands having a monopoly on the parts that repairers can fit into say your washing machine - why should Electric Bike suppliers have a monopoly on repairing your bike?