HELP Forum members: Magnum Navigator or Juiced CrossCurrent S2


Active Member
Fast history: My previous ebikes were a Ride 1up Limited which I returned for a refund because the torque sensor was not functioning properly as documented on this forum.
My second bike was a Sondors Fold XS which performed flawlessly. The integration between the motor and controller was great. Highly recommended bike but I thought I would be using it more off road and at the beach which didn’t happen so I sold it and actually got what I paid after almost a year of ownership.
Fast forward; I am looking for more of a road bike and narrowed it down to a Magnum Navigator and Juiced CrossCurrent S2. I won’t go into the all the pros and cons and specs except I would be
purchasing the Magnum at a local bike shop so service would not be an issue, conntrary to Juiced bikes where customer short comings have been reported. Any help, comments and input/advice would be greatly appreciated!