Commuters need serious steel & aluminum. Not kiddie grade grey metal. Rad has 270 posts on "known problems & solutions" thread today on brand forum. They are good at supplying replacement parts, but are not known for great life.
Bikes in the upper tier based on the numbers of those problem posts, Trek, Giant, Yamaha, Gazelle, Reiss & Mueller, Kona, Cannondale. Lots of people ride Specialized long distances but some cracked frames have been reported. I consider my Yuba in the upper tier, but you may not want to carry groceries (I do without a car). Blix has only one post on the problems list but the brand is pretty new, coupla years.
For example a kiddie grade 6 speed Shimano rear axle broke under my enormous 180 lb. I don't jump curbs or picnic tables. A kiddie grade Shimano 7 speed rear, the race unscrewed and dropped the balls 4 miles from home. No locknut in that design. Could have been a 30 mile push, I ride that far out. The 8 speed Shimano rear axle on my Yuba has >8000 miles on it and no problems yet. I've stretched no spokes on the yuba wheels, do no adjusting. The real steel cables on the Yuba stay put for ~4000 miles, whereas kiddie grade cables on my diamondback & Pacific MTB's required constant adjustment.