Hello from the okanagan!


New Member
Hi folks. new to the world of ebikes. like many ive jumped into the 750 hub motor class of bikes for my starter bike.
liking my new ride so far, which i bought mostly to get back and forth to work with. Shaves about 10 minutes off my ride in the afternoons
however being new i do have a couple of questions but I will try to find the appropriate threads.
Thanks for the add btw.
Hello and Welcome

Show us a pic of your ride. Tell us about your commute. I've just started commuting by ebike myself.
Hello and Welcome

Show us a pic of your ride. Tell us about your commute. I've just started commuting by ebike myself.
Ill have to transfer some pics onto my computer. it is the voltbike yukon limited though
Its about a 9 kilometer ride one way. slight decline in elevation all the way. takes me roughly 15 minutes with a few stop signs and traffic lights. heading home is slightly slower, about 17 to 18 minutes. again slight incline all the way. but it sure beats the traffic gridlocks in the afternoon rush.