Hello from Sebastopol, Calif

Interesting: I found these two shorted wires. Main heavy wires from battery to controller. They were well soldered and thick high temperture heat shrink, but they were in the same spot. Question: did the cap blowing cause this short? or did the Short cause the cap to blow?
I'm thinking it was a spike of voltage that caused these to burst through the heat shrinks. or?


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If the heat sink wore through from rubbing of bike progress, I'd say that was the problem. Heat shrink is nice, but not a heavy duty insulation resistant to vehicular vibration. I'd wrap any future wires in PVC wire loom from the auto supply: I did on my bike. Plus, you get to choose the color. The stock green was vile, so I used red for the plus wire & black for the minus.
thanks. I agree, however, It was double heat shrink'd, hard to see how it could rub together? and the way it was installed on the bike, even harder to imagine. no tension on it either. Could be just the high voltage? 58.8volts charged for the 52volt batteries I use. and they were very close together, only 2 layers of high temp heat shrink between the bulge of each solder, twice as thick at that solder. can't find the photo of that.
or could it be that the voltage being so close to 63 that it blew a compromised cap?
Was definitely a hole in that cap. But I'm only knowledgeable about electronics to be dangerous to myself :)
I really don't know how it would work or how it could fail
The heat shrink I buy from newark is rated 300 vdc.
The cap was produce by fraudsters. Electrolytic caps are known to blow up at end of life, and the top is scored so that it blows up first. If it blew out the side the producers were complete idiots. Not unusual in the electrolytic cap market. Buyers are always looking for a bargain that will last more than 30 days. (internet warrenty).