Hello from Philly!


New Member
Hey Everyone, this is Len from Philadelphia, PA USA.
I am new to the forums, but have been combing through EBRs reviews for months.
I put my order in for my first eBike a few weeks back, a Dost Kope. I am expecting delivery in a month or so. I am so jazzed up I can barely contain myself.

I made the choice based on the review directly, but also on what I have learned through extensive time spent on this site. Thanks to @Court for all of your hard work!
Hey Everyone, this is Len from Philadelphia, PA USA.
I am new to the forums, but have been combing through EBRs reviews for months.
I put my order in for my first eBike a few weeks back, a Dost Kope. I am expecting delivery in a month or so. I am so jazzed up I can barely contain myself.

I made the choice based on the review directly, but also on what I have learned through extensive time spent on this site. Thanks to @Court for all of your hard work!
Welcome, from Central Pennsylvania! Best of luck with your new bike.
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Hey Everyone, this is Len from Philadelphia, PA USA.
I am new to the forums, but have been combing through EBRs reviews for months.
I put my order in for my first eBike a few weeks back, a Dost Kope. I am expecting delivery in a month or so. I am so jazzed up I can barely contain myself.

I made the choice based on the review directly, but also on what I have learned through extensive time spent on this site. Thanks to @Court for all of your hard work!
Welcome from Wilmington, DE
A big welcome to you Len, we look forward to your participation and do leave some photos of your trips and most of all, ride safe. Good luck.