Hello from Hawaii!


New Member
Hey everyone! New eBiker (is that the term to call ourselves? lol) from Hawaii, specifically on the island of Maui! Been a lurker for about a couple months now and have finally decided to join the community!

Bought my first ebike a few weeks ago from a local bike shop that only sells ebikes. It's an EcoMotion Tour XS. Its awesome and i am have a ton of fun and getting some great exercise with it too! But now i need some help! I have continued to look up more ebikes ever since getting mine that i'm starting to consider buying a new one! Help me NOT buy a new one! lolol

Real talk tho, i have thought about selling my new ebike (that is perfectly good one by the way lol) for a shiny new one lolol. but i'mma old off on that. by the time my ebike is dead and gone, EVEN BETTER ones will be ready for me to buy! Also helps that most companies i wanted to buy from don't ship to Hawaii lolol

Anyway nice meeting you all!
Welcome PFenixTX. It seem like you‘re having buyer‘s remorse. You made a decision, now stick with it and enjoy it. There is always something better, and always will be. And remember that there is no such thing as the perfect bike. Resales are horrible, but even that said. keep on riding and get the most joy you can. Keep reading on this site from friendly and informative people. Another thing, every year that goes by there are improvements made, so today’s bike is old tomorrow. Don’t look back, because you can’t see what’s in front of you.
Hey! Thanks for the welcome!

Is it really buyers remorse? yeah, i can see that. But I like to call it "spec envy" because i don't hate what i have and use it all the time. I just want more now lol. Now, i'm really just looking at new bikes to see what i want for my next bike. After riding for about a month, checking out more bikes, and reading up more info, i'm starting have a better understanding of what i want on my bike. Mainly mid-drive and 28mph assist. intergrated lights would be nice too but not a deal breaker lol. Right now, i'm wrestling with the idea of eight doing a DIY or just buy from a LBS. I'm honestly starting to lean LBS for the local support. But the tinkerer part of me still tempts me to go DIY every so often lolol. But i got time. Probablly will wait until next year to start thinking about buying my second bike seriously.

The whole reselling thing is understandable. I dropped that idea like a bad habit when i learned that a while ago lol
Hey PFenixTX, You’re no different than anyone else. We all like to look and we never stop learning. In my opinion and experience, allways but more than you need. You will always grow into it. Have fun and good luck.
Hi guys, the beauty of this forum is that it highlights the fact that when you think “is it just me?” You find out that no, there are other folks out there thinking exactly the same thing 😊
I’ve had my bike for 7 weeks and I love it.............however I continually look at reviews of other bikes and contemplate owning them also.
My bike is a Raleigh Motus Grand Tour (I’m in the U.K. and don’t know what the closest equivalent would be in U.S.) It’s a quality brand and is well specced, but I find myself lusting after a Reise & Muller Charger 3 with Rohloff, but would “make do” with a Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0.
It’s human nature I suppose to hanker after things perceived to be “better” but I had my budget and I stuck to it, and I ask myself if I would I get any more enjoyment and exercise with those other bikes? I honestly have to answer No.
So, let’s embrace the joy of e-biking and getting out there on the roads and trails. There isn’t a better feeling
Ride safe