Hello from Colorado!


New Member
HI all! My name is Darren and I'm from Westminster Colorado which is kinda between Denver and Boulder. I work in the Cycling industry but I don't consider myself a true cyclist, you know, I don't wear Lycra and I don't ride road bikes.I do have a great Cannondale mountain bike and we have a great bike park right across the street where I work in Boulder, its so much fun!
About a year ago while I was taking a walk during my lunch break one of the engineers I work with asked me if I wanted to try his bike, he had a Copenhagen wheel on it. I had no idea what it was but he said to try it. He said "It's an e-bike, so it's gonna take off once you start pedaling". Once it kicked in and took off I was totally delighted! It was snowing a little and there was some ice on the street so I couldn't really go very far, but man, I loved it! I couldn't stop thinking about it but the idea of ever owning something like that felt out of reach because I assumed it would be crazy expensive. But like I said, I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
Now, I play guitar, so usually all of my money goes on guitars and amps and pedals and all that other fun stuff but one day in early spring as I was looking through Amazon I came across an e-bike. I instantly went back to that ride I took with the Copenhagen wheel and how good it felt. I started looking at all the e-bikes for sale and I think that was all I did for about 2 weeks straight! I was excited when I saw the prices on some of the more affordable bikes but I was wary of how reliable a $500 electric bike could possibly be. I work with professional cyclist every day and I know how expensive bikes and parts can be. My own Cannondale was around $3K and my company paid for it. Still though, I wanted to dip my toes in the water and get my very own electric bike. I still needed to do some research because I didn't know anything about anything and I really didn't know how much time I'd be able to give to it anyway. I took it kinda slow at first but then totally gave in and pulled the trigger on a cheap entry level Chinese made 350 watt Metakoo Cybertrack 100.I freakin' loved it!!

And now I'm hooked an I want another one, a better one. I realize now that I pulled that trigger maybe a little too soon, It's a wonderful bike and I think it's perfect for the price as an entry level bike. But now that I've dipped my toes in the water and got my feet, legs, arms and neck wet. I want to learn more and this time when I pull the trigger I'll know I made the best choice.

Anyway, nice to meet everyone.
Hello Darren and welcome to EBR. Nice little intro. So are you looking at road bikes, mountain bikes, or maybe a gravel bike?
Hi there, I think my favorite part of owning an e-bike has been the long rides and I've even commuted the 25 miles to work a couple of times.
I want something comfortable and fast. I've suffered with a bad back most of my adult life so I'm not doing anything too crazy. Right now I'm
looking at the Ride1Up 500. I really like that bike a lot. I'm somewhat limited because of my size, I'm 5'5, but I think that one would fit me.
Well, I have never seen one, but it is a one size fits some bike. There are many R1U riders on the ride1up subforum that can provide some guidance for fit. Back injuries often mean an upright seating position...that's why I went with my Como.
I'm not familiar with Como. That's one of the reasons why I joined, so I can get some advice from firsthand users. I want to be able to make a better decision. I appreciate your input.
Nor am I with R1U , but they have got a good thread on the sub-forum. Search and just jump in if you see something interesting. They seem a friendly group.