I suppose you could drill a wider necked aluminum steer tube and use one of these.
I suppose you could PU. however that is not the Question.

Why wouldn't for example Cane Creek or Walmart bike make a locking Headset?

If you lock the stem you cant steer the bike. It just seems like a good anti bike theft device that could be marketed.
Because you are introducing a potential point of failure that, if it fails somehow and locks the steering while riding, could be both catastrophic to the rider and the victims s/he plows into when steering is interfered with.

Plus you are reinventing something that has already been largely perfected, so that you can not necessarily perform a function as well as one performed by a wide range of competing products. You could easily end up creating something that does two jobs, but neither as well as the two products if kept separate as they are now.

With all of that said, the N-Lock has been around for a long time... and it hasn't exactly taken over the world.

The upside: Locking the headset makes a bike fundamentally unrideable:

The downside: The unwitting jerk who steals said bike and crashes might sue you for not posting a warning sign.