Trying to navigate all of this through the global pandemic is definitely slowing things down, but I rented a Vado 3 from my LBS shop for 3 days to get a real feel for the bike. I went for a 25 mile ride yesterday. It was so interesting.
Right now I've got a RadCity with a hub motor. I'm not going to lie, riding the Vado has made me appreciate the RadCity more than I did before. I never use the Rad's hub motor throttle except to take off from a cold start, but I really missed not having that with the Vado. Also with Rad's hub motor all you have to do is pedal a little tiny bit and the bike takes off, where the Vado is much more of a slow starter.
On the bike side though, the RadCity isn't comparable to the Vado. Even at the Vado 3 level, the Vado is a much nicer bike than the Rad. Once you get going, the Vado really moves much more efficiently than the Rad.
Also the Rad doesn't coast well, and has a fair amount of motor drag, which was my original question here. The Vado is what Specialized says it is, a regular bike with an extra kick when you need or want it.
I still think I'm going to get the Vado 4 and take advantage of the Specialized 30% off sale right now. But I'm going to have to see how the coming weeks play out? Like make sure I don't get laid off and that the LBS is even still open?
The LBS is actually closed right now, but are open via appointment for a couple of hours in the morning. I live in NH right on the VT border. Yesterday VT went to shelter in place lockdown for the whole state. Once NH does that, my new bike adventure ends for a bit, whether I can afford it or not.
Anyway, thanks for all of your comments and feedback! Be safe everyone!! Keep those hands clean!!