Have any of you been in the Army, Navy, Air Forces?

H.V.D. :) Amazon skipped their Vet Prime Member Special this year. Not that we are owed it, but it was a great deal. Realistically, I have cut back on "impulse" purchases by 98% so a $40 discount would have returned Jeff nothing.
I'm sorry I missed this thread as Veterans day is important to me. For all of you vets and vets spouses out there, I tip my cap with the utmost respect. God bless the USA.
Everybody had seen the "Blue Thunder" movie featuring a high-tech American helicopter. One day, I was ordered to do a training called "Organised defence against a helicopter assault by a squad using their AK-47 rifles". It all ended in laughter!

-- Citizen Cadet! -- said one of the men -- When we see the Blue Thunder, we'll rather surrender than shoot! 🤣
HaHa, and we watched Rambo III and were scared shitless of Hind D's! lol
Now at 73, I still feel embarrassed and a bit guilty about not being able to serve. Although it was never said, I think there were those who considered me a draft dodger.

Just one question. Did you do everything that your country asked of you? If so, you have nothing to feel guilty about. That's all that we can do.

My story, USAF 1969-1973. Spent all my time stateside.