Retired Army, Signal Corp/Military Intelligence
14 years straight in Germany... (Rose Barracks, Bad Kreuznach, 8th Sig Bn. & 8ID H.Q.) & (Abrahms Building, Frankfurt, V Corp HQ)
2 years USA, Ft. Huachuca, AZ,. Military Intelligence Center & School
12 months & 3 long days Korea, Camp Humphries, 3rd MI Bn.
4 years USA, Ft. Lewis, WA. 2ID 122nd Sig Bn. & 201st MI Bn.
Too many stories to even try and pick one. So many experiences, good... and bad. Birth of my daughter. The Wall coming down. Watching one of my soldiers die. Mastering the anal-retentive security practices of Military Intelligence. Wonderful friends, great food, the very best of beers, wines, bread, and cheese that Germany had to offer. Amsterdam, London, Paris, Athens, Berlin, East Berlin, Prague, Munich (Oktoberfest!). The Edfil Tower, Zugspitze, Stone Hinge, Cliff of Dover, Bulldog Cafe, The Wall, Auschwitz. Desert Storm. Taking possession of my Saab 900T at the factory in Trollhättan, Sweden, and taking a month to race her around Europe. Working for and with some of the best people in the world. Believing in what we were doing and having faith and trust in the American government. The Best of Times.