Has anyone ever tested the M2S R750 All Terrain bike?

Hey @Benno, no I haven't even heard of it. Is MS2 the brand? Where are they being demoed and are you thinking about getting one yourself? Also, I took your poll down because it wasn't complete, there needs to be an option for haven't tested anything at all and frankly, it came across as spammy vs. actually being interested in gathering information about preferences. Your question is fine on its own so I left that :)
Ok. I am thinking about the bike, RadRover, or the Volt Yukon 750. Which one do you think is the best?
I am also interested in the M2S, the word is 300 bikes are being shipped in early December and that most of them are pre - sold ? I am waiting for confirmation of delivery. In the mean time I am wanting to buy a Volt 750 Yukon Unlimited , they have sold close to 3000 bikes this year. The price and quality of 750 and the reputation of the company is good.
Will probably end up getting the Volt 750 as well. I have not seen any reviews on the M2S All Terrain Bike. What do you think about the RadRover?
RAD gets good reviews, I live in Canada so the price for the VOLT 750 is about $ 600.00 less and customer service would be better in the long run for me.

VOLT 750 is better! VOLT 750 has the battery and controller built into the frame its a better looking bike with newer updates!
I own the 750 YUKON LIMITED (VOLT)
YUKON 750.jpg
I give it a 9 out of 10, a bigger battery would make it a 10, so you could ride longer and faster!!!