Harley-Davidson scrambles for sales with juicy ebike concepts


Well-Known Member

Somehow, I just don't see the HD crowds embracing electric in any form. Your thread title caught my eye with "Harley-Davidson scrambles" though, as I think tfffhat's exactly what they are gonna be doing down the road....scrambling. They are gonna get a butt whooping in the electric motorcycle arena by none other than Zero. Years ahead of HD with better options and pricing.


I want one!
Well...you could legitimately go to a biker bar and claim to be a Harley rider. Might be a hard sell to any chicks you might pick up...
When a big name enters a market, they so often do it half-heartedly, and you KNOW just by looking at it that they are just trying to fill a niche, get their name out there for free PR, and hope that the name alone will get people interested. Sorry, but that is a crucial mistake (see Sony and Black & Decker for recent examples of how a quality brand had soiled their name by relying on their past brand name recognition). I didn't expect anything jaw-dropping by HD, but they HAVE to do SOMETHING, as the demographic they have always targeted is drying up. Younger guys don't have an interest in buying a traditional loud piped HD .... so HD moved on to what they think will be able to sell to that market.

It's akin to Polaris entry into the ebike market. Polaris is a HUGE name in the offroad scene. I'd guess their market share is at least 70-75% in the northeast sector judging by how many I see when I'm out for a ride. But when I saw Polaris came out with an ebike years ago, it was a half-hearted rebadge of an existing bike that offered nothing new or innovative (something that Polaris offroad EXCELS at !!) and was soon out of the market and left in the dust. I would LOVE to see Tora be able to partner with Harley and use the US based plants to build the Juiced lineup, but knowing what HD workers demand for a salary, it would absolutely kill the good prices that the Juiced lineup is known for. There is a reason everything is manufactured in China, and if you want to buy a 'Made in the USA' product, you had better be prepared to pay a LOT more for it.