Hand signals for turning


I've found using hand signals with this thing is difficult.
It is my first e-bike.
Letting go of the handle bar while signalling a turn is scary.
I do not know if that is because of the small wheels, or different caster, or electric motor.
Perhaps all of the above. Thoughts?
Has anybody been brave enough to ride it with no hands on handle bar?
I've found using hand signals with this thing is difficult.
It is my first e-bike.
Letting go of the handle bar while signalling a turn is scary.
I do not know if that is because of the small wheels, or different caster, or electric motor.
Perhaps all of the above. Thoughts?
Has anybody been brave enough to ride it with no hands on handle bar?
I have tried riding without my hands on the bars for short, very short periods of time. It's quite sketchy to say the least. I'm not sure if it's this tire size or small handlebars that make it feel this way. I find I am using my turn signals hand signals more than I used to on my pedal bike. It's fine but feels a little uncomfortable with one hand.
Here's your solution:

Different bikes surely have different handling characteristics but I don't have any trouble doing hand signals and wouldn't think of not using them for my own safety as much as anything. I think one or no hands is a matter of practice, at least to some extent.

Different bikes surely have different handling characteristics but I don't have any trouble doing hand signals and wouldn't think of not using them for my own safety as much as anything. I think one or no hands is a matter of practice, at least to some extent.

I rode last nite for 15 seconds with no hands on the bar. Felt quite unstable. I have wider bars coming. Wonder if that will make a difference. Want too get good at it so I can show off for the women lol
I rode last nite for 15 seconds with no hands on the bar. Felt quite unstable. I have wider bars coming. Wonder if that will make a difference. Want too get good at it so I can show off for the women lol

I have a hunch smaller tires = less gyroscope effect. (I'm probably not using the term correctly)
I know a lot of us are around the same age.... growing up we had bikes with the same diameter tires, I could ride all over town and not touch the bars. So what's different? Old age can't be the only thing.
I know a lot of us are around the same age.... growing up we had bikes with the same diameter tires, I could ride all over town and not touch the bars. So what's different? Old age can't be the only thing.
It could also be the caster is slightly less on the front wheel/fork..
Check your spokes too, for loose ones... I’m on a different bike with I suspect larger tires... was super wobbly if I tried to ride hands free... during a check at LBS, they noticed a good third of my rear spokes were startlingly loose. Tightened and trued up, hands-free riding instantly became doable.
I know a lot of us are around the same age.... growing up we had bikes with the same diameter tires, I could ride all over town and not touch the bars. So what's different? Old age can't be the only thing.

I'm finding old age has made things that used to be easy, a lot more complicated now. Our bodies just can't handle the things our youth took for granted. Or at least, my body sure doesn't want to lol.
I'm finding old age has made things that used to be easy, a lot more complicated now. Our bodies just can't handle the things our youth took for granted. Or at least, my body sure doesn't want to lol.
I don't find that. For me it's the bike. It's just more sensitive. Maybe cause of the wider tires? Not sure..I can ride all day with my son's mountain bike no hands My mountain bike no hands is somewhere in between. My girlfriends cruiser bike is hard to go no hands as well. I think every bike is different. Not a bad thing just different.
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It is not you. Some bikes are not very roadworthy. As you say you can do it on your son's bike. Previously I had an E bike that I dared not remove even one hand from. If I did the thing would start to wobble like an egg. The one I have now is so stable that I can often ride with no hands. It feels like it is on rails.
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It is not you. Some bikes are not very roadworthy. As you say you can do it on your son's bike. Previously I had an E bike that I dared not remove even one hand. If I did the thing would start to wobble like an egg. The one I have now is so stable that I can often ride with no hands. It feels like it is on rails. The previous bike did not handle much better than a wooden homemade soapbox cart.
I'm not saying this bike is less roadworthy. My Specialized mountain bike that cost more than my XP is pretty sketchy when trying one handed and less. It's geometry as well as other things not related to cost
Thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty sure it is the geometry. Or it could be the wide tires. Not much I can do about that. I might play with tire pressure to see if that makes a difference. I might just need to practice some more on this bike. It is not too bad as long as the motor does not turn on, or off, when I have only one hand on the bars. Hmm, maybe it is partially a thrust alignment issue ??? I took my old pedal bike out, no problem signalling turns on it (edit: so it is not advanced age ;).
I've found using hand signals with this thing is difficult.
It is my first e-bike.
Letting go of the handle bar while signalling a turn is scary.
I do not know if that is because of the small wheels, or different caster, or electric motor.
Perhaps all of the above. Thoughts?
Has anybody been brave enough to ride it with no hands on handle bar?
can you provide a pic?
I don't find that. For me it's the bike. It's just more sensitive. Maybe cause of the wider tires? Not sure..I can ride all day with my son's mountain bike no hands My mountain bike no hands is somewhere in between. My girlfriends cruiser bike is hard to go no hands as well. I think every bike is different. Not a bad thing just different.
Might have to do with suspension fork on mountain bikes vs hard fork on the xp