Griz Attacks and Kills Bicyclist in Montana

The campgrounds at Glacier NP where there have been problems are the result of ignorant NP personnel who stupidly put the campgrounds along existing bear trails. The bears go to higher ground to sleep in safety and then travel down established routes to where they feed. But no managers in a bureaucracy will ever admit that they made a mistake and then fix the problems they have created - look at the U.S. military that prefers to bury its mistakes, literally.

We have too many city folk that venture into areas where there is wildlife and these people are too dumb or too lazy to learn how to behave. Most of the people seriously injured and killed in Yellowstone are the clowns who fall into the thermals from not paying attention to where they are walking. Most people survive in spite of themselves.
We have too many city folk that venture into areas where there is wildlife and these people are too dumb or too lazy to learn how to behave.
Don’t worry- soon the glaciers will melt away, the forests burn out, and the geysers will dry up. Then the city folk will go elsewhere 🤣
... and the geysers will dry up. Then the city folk will go elsewhere 🤣

Glacier NP doesn't have geysers.

Most of the campgrounds in national parks have been campgrounds for a very long time, often people were camping in those locations even before there was a national park there. And it is pretty well-documented that bears will adjust their travel routes to avoid humans, unless the humans park themselves right on a major food source.
Glacier NP doesn't have geysers.

Most of the campgrounds in national parks have been campgrounds for a very long time, often people were camping in those locations even before there was a national park there. And it is pretty well-documented that bears will adjust their travel routes to avoid humans, unless the humans park themselves right on a major food source.
He is referring to Yellowstone. Did Old Faithful give it up?
I see two solutions, one, kill them on sight or two, realize they were hear much longer than europeans.
We could eliminate most "dangerous" or tasty animals (like in Europe) or we could learn from the imbalance that is created by such short sighted thinking.