Good News ride


Well-Known Member
We rode the wheel way trail and all around Petoskey in Northern MI. yesterday. The bike trail there is usually very busy and yesterday was no exception. We've ridden the path on acoustic bikes several times but this time we took the e-bikes. We were a bit concerned that our bikes would not be received well as there's a pretty good spandex crowd that rides.. I'm happy to say the only somewhat sketchy comment we heard all day was a guy that passed us, on some high dollar race bike, glanced at my Haibike and said "oh, you've got power". We let several people try our bikes and everyone who did came back beaming and wanting to know more.. One couple took pictures of my wife's Gazelle Easy Flow as she wanted to buy the exact same bike even though they had JUST bought new acoustics. We only rode 30 miles but it was a gorgeous day and it's great riding along the lake shore. We can't wait to go back. When we were done neither of us were tired or sweaty and still had a good 20mi. of range left according to our displays. I find keeping the speed below 15mph really saves battery and we're not in a hurry anyway, just out for leisure. We did pass some acoustics going up a fairly steep hill and I was listening to hear if there was any muttering under their breaths but nothing!.. I also think that with bikes coming the opposite direction they can't even tell we are on e-bikes most of the time so that reduces any negative comments. There is a Pedego dealer in Petoskey and they do rentals as well. We saw several groups of Pedego rentals and everyone was having a great time