Good Evening from Mazatlan, Mexico


New Member
Show Low, AZ
I was having a problem with battery charging when I came across the forum. Problem was solved with a note to Rad power bikes.
I own two e-bikes a Radrover 5 and a Ancheer. I bought both bikes in the U.S. a year and a half ago with both still doing well, the Ancheer was half the price of the Radrover. This is the second winter I have brought both bikes on vacation to Mexico for 6 months of riding along the beach.
My project as soon as I get back in the states to do the modifications for more power and distance on the Rad. I will be looking for lots of assistance from forum readers! Jim
Welcome to EBR, Jim. It's nice to hear a member from Mexico check in. You said you bought your bikes in the states, does that mean there aren't many ebikes available in Mexico, or it was just more convenient/less expensive in the USA?
I assume you have already found the big RAD subforum, so keep us up to date.
There are a couple of inexpensive e-bikes sold at department stores, but have not seen any on the road. The more popular bikes in the U. S. have not made there way to Mexico. Importation problems and costs. Last year I had a controller problem, $100 for shipping/import fees, of course the controller was under warrantee The Fat tires on the RadRover work really well in the sand!
I've never ridden a true fat tire bike, but there are plenty of them on here, and yes they seem to do very well on sand (and snow).