Good bike cover

Is it for storage or for transport? For storage I have a couple of Baleaf covers purchased off of Amazon. They have elastic bottoms but the are not the easiest to use because they catch on all of the bike's attachments (fenders, racks etc). But are large enough to get over my two commuters with 27.5 tires and racks, fenders, bags etc. I just searched Amazon and I don't see the Baleaf covers available anymore.

For my Tern Vektron, I purchased a medium size Covrir from Amazon and that works really well (small size was sold out). Weather resistant and has buckle straps to fasten over the tires with holes for cable locks. For a normal sized bike probably would want the large size.

After using both I think the type like the Covrir that have the straps with buckles are easier to get over the bike (vs the elastic/stretchy/bungee covers). I prefer the Covrir to the Baleaf.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm planning to use the cover for travel with the bike in the back of a truck or on a hitch bike rack.
I used this cover from Amazon, $46+$18 shipping:

It completely encases the 1-4 (e)bikes+bike rack, cover can wrap all the way to the hitch, has plastic panels for taillights, plenty of straps to reduce flapping in the wind, and it folds to about the size of small pillow for easy storage. I've used it to cover my two 4" Radrover fat tire ebikes to drive +5 hours to Grand Canyon at speeds of 75-80 mph. It is weather proof and added security at hotels when I can't take the ebikes into the room. Also came in handy to keep the frost off the ebikes on cold mornings when traveling at hotels.

The biggest downsides:
- there isn't a way to secure the cover to the ebike/hitch. I add extra security chains and D-Locks when parked overnight
- plastic panels are not 100% transparent, may obscure brake light during the day depending on your vehicle (my fat tires really block tail lights along with cover)
- blocks rear view, back-up camera, and back-up lights
- can feel the drag the faster you drive
I had not thought about the issue of covering brake lights by having a cover. Will the police stop you if your brake lights are not visiable because of the bike cover?
I have a Saris SuperClamp 4 platform bike rack that is made from steel. I was worried about having two fat tire bikes and my brake lights covered with and without the cover on the ebikes. I also have a 4-way flat harness with my 2" hitch and added AUX light that attach with magnets to the hitch:

I have the Sarris rack on my smaller SUV; but, you can see the AUX lights bottom/center with extra long Velcro straps connected to 4-way flat. You can see my vehicle brake lights a little better with my larger 7 passenger SUV; but, the Amazon cover with the brake light panels still covers most of the rear area. I usually remove the seatpost and rack bags when heading out of town.

Radrover and Sarris rack.jpg
I have a Saris SuperClamp 4 platform bike rack that is made from steel. I was worried about having two fat tire bikes and my brake lights covered with and without the cover on the ebikes. I also have a 4-way flat harness with my 2" hitch and added AUX light that attach with magnets to the hitch:

I have the Sarris rack on my smaller SUV; but, you can see the AUX lights bottom/center with extra long Velcro straps connected to 4-way flat. You can see my vehicle brake lights a little better with my larger 7 passenger SUV; but, the Amazon cover with the brake light panels still covers most of the rear area. I usually remove the seatpost and rack bags when heading out of town.

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I have a rear fender on my bike. Any idea how well the the rear clam on the Saris would work on a fender?

I just purchased a Radcity Step-Thru with front/rear plastic fenders. Just got the ebike on Thursday (5/31/18) and haven't had a chance to test it out with my Saris rack. Planning to use my Saris rack this weekend to take my Radrover and Radcity out for a spin. I can take pics and see what issues I have with securing the bike to the rack.

Off the top of my head, I was thinking about pushing down on the rack tire clamp on the Radcity built-in rear rack? Won't know if that would work until I give it a try.
I did put the Rad Step-Thru on my Saris Rack this weekend and it seemed to hold it securely. The clamp didn't reach high enough to secure on the Step Thru rear rack. I tried placing the clamp directly on the plastic fender and I was worried about fender flex and road bounce cracking the fender. Decided to place the clamp near the end of the fender with contact with the tire. I felt a little better securing both ebikes at this location and I also have plastic tie downs in the wheel wells, 2 built-in rack cable locks, and the opposite tires are pretty secure.

I haven't tried; but, I could also put less pressure on top of the fender and push the clamp against the rear underside of the bike rack to secure.

Step Thru I.JPG
Step Thru II.JPG