Giant Headlight Connections? Blueline vs. Axendo.


Active Member
When I got my new Explore E+1 two weeks ago the headlight kept turning on and off. I traced the problem to the internal headlight connection and that was probably because when the dealer shipped the bike to me the headlight was left dangling at the end of the wire and the packing crate was really damaged when it arrived. Probably the rough transport pulled the wire loose from inside the headlight.

Anyway, the dealer said he would send me a replacement and it arrived yesterday. I don’t know which model Giant he removed it from but it’s not the same as the original.

The bike came with a Blueline 30 headlight and he sent me an Axendo 40. Does anyone here have that light?

The Blueline 30 had ONE connector to the bike. The Axendo 40 has TWO. Does anyone know what the second connector is for? My bike doesn’t seem to have a second wiring connector unless it’s way down the tube. And the light has a switch on the back. I can’t imagine it’s an on/off switch. Looking online I can only find a skimpy one page manual which doesn’t mention either of these things.
OK so the Blueline 30 has 1 connector (wire) this means it uses the bike frame as the negative connection.
The Axendo 40 has a 2 connectors positive + and negative -.
Connect your existing wire to the + terminal of the lamp. Connect another wire to the _ terminal then connect this wire to the frame of the bike to complete the circuit.
OK so the Blueline 30 has 1 connector (wire) this means it uses the bike frame as the negative connection.
The Axendo 40 has a 2 connectors positive + and negative -.
Connect your existing wire to the + terminal of the lamp. Connect another wire to the _ terminal then connect this wire to the frame of the bike to complete the circuit.
No... I’m sorry I didn’t explain it right... the Axendo has FOUR WIRES and two connectors. One connector is the same as on the Blueline 30 and the other is smaller. The smaller one may not be needed on my bike but I was curious about what function it might provide. Also curious about the switch and what it does. The dealer had told me that he’d remove the light from one of the bikes in his showroom and since he is only a Giant dealer I wonder which bike it could have come from.

I didn’t get a chance last night but when I get home tonight I’ll connect the one (common to both lights) connector and try out the light. And the switch. And I’ll just tuck that second connector into the frame.

I had hoped someone here would know about that light.
Have a look at their web site
They have 3 40 series lamps which all have 2 connection terminals.
The switch is on or off for 2 of the lamps 1 of the lamps has an auto position in the middle.
I've looked at that website... That was the first thing I did. What I have is the 40xe (electric bike version). But I do not see any mention of the switch at all, nor of the wiring. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing when you say 2 connection terminals and I say two connectors. Each with two wires. But some of the photos of the light show some on/off and even "A" symbols... my light has NO markings, but it does have a switch. If it had the "O|" markings it would have been obvious, but without any markings, and without any mention on their site, I didn't know. In any case, I'll hook it up tonight. (Where do you see mention of "2 connection terminals"?

Still wondering though what purpose that second connector (with 2 wires :) ) would be used for and which bike it was meant for.
This is the back of the 40xe, as you see there are 2 connections +&- the ex does not have a switch as it is ebike specific and should be constant on or controlled from the handlebar control. The 2nd pic shows the 40xde which does have a switch. As Michael says your lamp still has the fly lead attached to go to the rear lamp, the wire is a GIANT item and does not come with the lamp.
Pictures ar5e taken from the web page but you need to scroll down to the download section.
I/m off line for a couple of days.

This is the back of the 40xe, as you see there are 2 connections +&- the ex does not have a switch as it is ebike specific and should be constant on or controlled from the handlebar control. The 2nd pic shows the 40xde which does have a switch. As Michael says your lamp still has the fly lead attached to go to the rear lamp, the wire is a GIANT item and does not come with the lamp.
Pictures ar5e taken from the web page but you need to scroll down to the download section.
I/m off line for a couple of days.

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I connected the light last night and the switch (yes, it DOES have a switch) doesn't do anything at all. Nor are there any markings near the switch. Okay, the second set of wires with smaller connector must be for a rear light and I won't use them.

But comparing the brightness of the Blueline 30 and 40xe, there really is not much difference. And neither is going to be bright enough for my commute in the dark, especially as part of my route goes through a wooded nature park with narrow trails. So I'm searching for a much brighter light to install. It's expensive, but the (new?) Supernova M99 Mini Pro-25 looks real good. Or maybe the Busch & Muller IQ-X E. I don't need that much brightness for the city streets even at night, but I do for that nature park stretch. And the days are getting shorter and shorter really quickly. It's dark when I leave home in the morning and almost dark by the time I get home. SIGH Where has the summer gone?
The Supernova M99 Mini Pro-25 doesn't seem to be available currently, and it's really quite expensive. I just ordered the Busch & Muller IQ-X E from Germany and I hope to have it here in Canada sometime next week.
I'm looking for the connector that Giant uses for the front headlight... I visited the two biggest electronics parts stores and neither has ever seen it (and they've got a gazillion different connectors!). I've got a new light coming from Germany which doesn't have a connector and I don't want to cut off the existing one from my light because when/if I sell the bike I'd like to put back the original headlight with the wiring intact.

Does anyone have an idea of where I might find the connector (the one on the right) or what it might be called? There is no name or number on the connector to identify it.

That is going to be pretty tricky to find since they might be using some no brand ones, you might try farnell or rsdelivers or digikey or alibaba to see if you can find it since those websites allow to filter by things like number of contacts, but it is going to be complicated.

That being said these sort of connectors the metal ends that are cimpred on the wires can usually be pulled out, so it might be possible to pull it out and then change the connectors on the light to match the ones that are already on the wire.
That is going to be pretty tricky to find since they might be using some no brand ones, you might try farnell or rsdelivers or digikey or alibaba to see if you can find it since those websites allow to filter by things like number of contacts, but it is going to be complicated.

That being said these sort of connectors the metal ends that are cimpred on the wires can usually be pulled out, so it might be possible to pull it out and then change the connectors on the light to match the ones that are already on the wire.
Thanks to someone on the accessories forum here, I found the right connectors! At DigiKey. I ordered Friday after 5pm eastern, and I'll have them today. They were shipped FedEx from the US to me here in Canada. But I hadn't known enough to also order the pins... so I had to place a second order for those. (Double the shipping.)

The light I ordered from Germany should arrive sometime this week also.