Freway Buffalo : You are how you ride.

Freway eBike

New Member
Hi, All Freway fans.

The crowdfunding on Indiegogo to bring our latest eBike Buffalo on the market has been going for a week.

And now we are half way to the funding goal!

Only $999 for a Buffalo eBike! Save 40% today !

We are happy to tell you that we just finished developing the cruise function of the bike :)

We've successfully installed a cruise button on the handlebar and had the cruise function tested out, now all the backers can cruise along the way on the Buffalo eBike !

Why did we chose the cruise button , not throttle?

Reason for this choice is because when cyclists is using throttle to cruise along the road they tend to have troubles controlling the bike. So for the public safety and the safety of the cyclists we chose a cruise button instead.

Thanks for your support!

If you want to support us, please refer our project to your friends that may be interested!

Freway Buffalo : You are how you ride :)

Go to the Crowdfunding
