First ride report & Low voltage setting for CCX


New Member
Hello everyone, this is my first post. First of all I want to thank all the amazing folks in this forum. Reading all of your experience convinced me to buy a juiced ccx instead of a stromer-ST2. I ordered it on 4th Jan and it showed up on my door on the 9th. Assembly took about an hour, most of my time was spent in removing the already installed front light to install the fenders and aligning the fenders. For some reason they had tightened the heck out of that front light nut :) . Battery was almost fully charged as it was showing all 9 bars. I topped it off for 1 hr for good measure.

After that i took it around for a quick spin just to get a feel of an e-bike. It was an awesome feeling, i was smiling for the most of that 4 mile ride. For a bit of a background, I love riding in general and have a road bike also. I have done Seattle to Portland (206 miles) bike ride twice. I want to commute to work every day (14 miles each way) but i am just lazy when its cold and rainy (which is most of the time here in Seattle). But riding this bike was just a blast and I have decided to use this for my daily commute.

Today is the first day of my commute with this bike. i started with full bars and 57.8 volts. After coming to office I can see it lost one bar and is showing 54.4 volts
bike controller picture.jpg
Here is the ride stats on strava (marked as ebike ride). 14 miles with 706 feet of climbing was done at 18.8 mph average speed and took 45 mins total.


I have 2 questions.
1. After my first ride which was 4 miles , I turned of the controller and battery and when i check it later the screen was showing 2 miles instead or 4 miles. I will keep an eye on this and report back if i see more of this behavior. i was just wondering if any of you have noticed this.
2. What is the low voltage setting you guys recommend for the 52 v ccx battery for longer life? currently I have kept it at 50 but i am not sure if that is correct.
Congrats on your CCX. I put 3800 miles on my Stomer ST2. I've ridden over 1200 on my CCS. Both bikes have their pros and cons. I think you made the right choice for the $$$. The best part about the ST2 was the motor. IT was really strong. The CCS gets up to speed eventually and doesn't climb hills quite as well. The ST2 didn't have front shocks or thumb throttle. I think your CCX should match the ST2 a bit better than the CCS does when it comes to motor strength.

I use my smart phone or a garmin computer to record all mileage but the odometer on my CCS is pretty close to what I record separately.
Thanks @SirJonathan I will set it to 45 as well.

Thanks @devhead, price was a major factor in my decision. I have heard people on Reddit and some other forums getting new ST2's for some crazy low prices. when i called around to the local shops here in seattle no one was ready to come below $6000 for the bigger battery and then I have to pay tax also so ~$6600. I found some better offers online but my concern was repair support if anything goes wrong with such an expensive machine. Finally i was about to purchase the ST2 and then i saw some videos about juiced bikes on YouTube by @Tora Harris and looking at what I was getting for the money I decided to go with CCX. Till now I am happy with my decision. I just hope that I can also put 1000's of trouble free miles on it like you have done :) . On a side note why do you have 2 e-bikes?

I will also just start logging all my miles using my wahoo elemnt on strava.
Thank you all. So I noticed the odometer dropping again. in the morning it was showing 16 miles, now i started it again to head home and its showing 15 miles. Will send mail to the support team and look for a response.
bike dropped miles.jpg
Time for a short update:
I have been riding the bike everyday for my work commute (28 miles). Most of the days it was just freezing cold and last 2 days have been in heavy rain. The mileage is 206 now. Few observations.

1. Bike is really stable and I feel really feel confident on high speeds. Most of my trips are averaging 20 MPH even with 700 feet of climbing each way. 80 % of time I am in mode 2 or 3 if its dry and eco and 1 if its raining.
2. I sometime get an intermittent jerky feeling from the motor. This is not happening at any specific speed range for me to reproduce the problem. It may happen once or twice during each ride for 5-10 seconds and then things become smooth. Not sure this is common or one of behavior for my bike.
3. Tires are really slippery when the temperatures are near freezing. I had a minor crash at low speed and since then I take it extra slow if freezing.
4. I charge the battery till the green light shows up on the charger. The max voltage I see is 57.9 after every full charge. Is that the case with all you guys?

In summary, this bike is money well spent and I love it riding every day.
The intermittent issue might be the battery contact problem a couple others have posted about. You might want to take a picture of the battery contacts and post back here if they show sparking damage.

Yep, almost 58v fully charged.
Hey, you're just around the corner from me, so maybe you can answer a pressing question: how was the CCX coming up the 520 bike trail from Redmond? I used to bike it on my way to work, and one of the prime reasons to get a CCX was to get up that damn hill without killing myself.
Hey, you're just around the corner from me, so maybe you can answer a pressing question: how was the CCX coming up the 520 bike trail from Redmond? I used to bike it on my way to work, and one of the prime reasons to get a CCX was to get up that damn hill without killing myself.

Its amazing on 520. I do that climb everyday. with speeds ranging between 15-20 in mode 3. The worse one is Louise Thompson for me which is almost 6-10 % for that .9 miles and the CCX eats that up easily doing @ 12-18 on mode 3.
The intermittent issue might be the battery contact problem a couple others have posted about. You might want to take a picture of the battery contacts and post back here if they show sparking damage.

Yep, almost 58v fully charged.
Thanks @SirJonathan I was reading about that on the forums. for me the display does not turn off during the jerky operation. Here are the pictures of the connectors. They look clean
IMG_0302.jpg IMG_0301.jpg
Good point. If the display is on one would imagine the battery never loses connection. And those look very clean. Thanks for sharing. I'll put a few more miles on mine and upload pics.
Im curious if anyone uses deoxit to keep their connectors clean. I use on my FPV drones and they pull up to 150A peak on an XT60.
I usually clean all my connections with alcohol. and then coat everything with dielectric grease when I do them up.
Old school product that actually holds on to dirt and grime. Avionics products will make you happy! I’m working on small samples. Hopefully by early June. I watched acf50 used used on avionics. Bell206, and other critical fire fighting aircraft. I don’t mean to beleaguer the long but these newer products are awesom. There are a couple of studies, one I think from your AirForce.
Old school product that actually holds on to dirt and grime. Avionics products will make you happy! I’m working on small samples. Hopefully by early June. I watched acf50 used used on avionics. Bell206, and other critical fire fighting aircraft. I don’t mean to beleaguer the long but these newer products are awesom. There are a couple of studies, one I think from your AirForce.

Alcohol holds on to dirt? Dielectric grease inside of a tight fitting electrical connection attracts dirt and grime? You're not irritating now your funny. I've taken apart connections decades later on my motorcycles and they look like the day I put them them together. I can't go anywhere on this forum without finding your irritating posts. I've never ignored anyone you have the privilege of being the first.
Alcohol holds on to dirt? Dielectric grease inside of a tight fitting electrical connection attracts dirt and grime? You're not irritating now your funny. I've taken apart connections decades later on my motorcycles and they look like the day I put them them together. I can't go anywhere on this forum without finding your irritating posts. I've never ignored anyone you have the privilege of being the first.
No not the alcohol, but the solvents sure seem to. I was first introduced to them avionics products as a lad working on the ramp at the Missoula County Airport USFS firefighters base. Crazy hard duty. All helicopters and at that time WWII bombers had avionics and critical electronics treated. Sure if the part is somehow cut off from environment you found nice clean connections. But I found when dialectic is exposed or overused it collects dirt. Regardless I prefer to take a product developed by those far superior to me... I now have 4 decades of use and frankly haven’t found anything better. More expensive for sure when comparing to dialectric. It’s kinda like Dino oil compared to the newest synthetics. Both lubricate, but one has better results. (Of course someone will debate) anywho, thanks for agreeing to be peaceful. You’ve got a few years on me, which to me means you probably have a few lessons to share. Why I like this place. Always someone smarter to learn from. All the best FeliZ