First E-Trike


New Member
I am looking into buying an electric trike and would like advice as to which one to buy. I am a heavy 63 year old female that is handicapped. After a back surgery a few years ago I still can't stand for more that 20 minutes without having to sit for a few minutes. I miss being able to hike and think that an e-trike will let me get out and get some exercise. I don't have lots of money to spend and have nailed it down to 2 trikes. Hoping someone knows something about these. #1 GoPlus 20" 500w and the FT-1900 500w. Both have fat tires as we will mostly be riding on fire roads and sometimes in snow. I can't find how many gears the GoPlus has but the FT-1900 has 7 and cost a few hundred more. Please let me know which one you think I should buy.
I'd like to suggest that you also consider the Pedego trike. If there's a Pedego shop near you, then the after-sales support is unparalleled. You might not need it, but if you do, you'll be so glad. For instance, several months after buying her Pedego City Commuter, the motor on my wife's bike started making a grinding noise. Turns out there were bad bearings. Pedego replaced the entire rear wheel, no questions asked, loaned her a bike to use while it was coming from the factory, and got her back on her own bike in very little time. No money changed hands.

It doesn't have fat tires, but I wouldn't focus too much on that. What fat tires offer is more rubber in contact with the road or ground. Three wheels already have more surface contact than two wheel bikes. The type of tire, what kind of tread it has, would be more important for a trike than having fat tires. Fat slicks might not work any better on your fire roads as knobby skinnier tires, if you see what I mean.

BTW, your plan is a great one. I have COPD and it has restricted my mobility a great deal, but with an ebike, I get around town, run errands, take long recreational rides, etc. I feel like my freedom was given back to me. I hope you have the same experience!
My wife has a Liberty Trike. She is also handicapped. It is not made for off pavement although she has ridden it on gravel roads. Then it was not smooth, even with a suspension seat post and lowered tire pressure. The Liberty has a 750W motor, single speed and weighs 72 pounds.

The trikes you are looking at weight 100 pounds. I feel you need to buy the model with the biggest watt motor. We have ridden steep roads you can barely walk up and you need all the power you can get.

I have a RAD mini with 4" tires. The big tires help with the ride (10 psi) but you will still need a suspension seatpost when off pavement.

Good Luck in your search.