Export Ridecontrol data?


New Member
Hello, i bought a Giant Explore +1 pro bike recently.
I am new to this forum. I searched threads in the forum and cant find how export Ridecontrol data so i can say load paths into google earth for example.
i see there is a link between Ridecontrol and Strava. I registered a free account with Strava and cant transfer Ridecontrol data to Strava. I dont want to pay for Strava service.

So my question is : is there a way to export Ridecontrol data (path, speed, time, etc...) so i can upload into another application, not Strava.

Thanks Gbart but i dont want to use Strava and pay for a subscription.
i want to export data so i can use in any other app i want, not interested in Strava.
Thanks Gbart but i dont want to use Strava and pay for a subscription.
i want to export data so i can use in any other app i want, not interested in Strava.
I’m using the free version of Strava. It imports to strava which in turn exports to the iPhone health app.
Can you export paths out of Strava.? I dont care about health data, i am really interested in paths.

i have created a free account in Strava and connected ridecontrol to strava in « Apps & Services ». I cant export from ridecontrol to strava. when i try to export to Strava i get an error message « sorry could not share this route ».

i login into ridecontrol and strava with my google account and strava is activated in the ridecontrol apps & services.