I did a test climb on a 1 mile hill with both bikes
Fully Loaded
Limited Edition
There was a 7 second difference between the two with the LE being slower over 0.92 miles... rounding error
The New Fat tire bike is much heavier and feels more stable and safer on our miserable Taxifornia roads. It really handles the deep potholes and cuts in the road much better than the Old 2” (not so small but not “fat”) tires. I
On the other hand the Fully Loaded is much more nibble and responsive so If I had to get around obstacles the fully loaded would be much better.
Since the new bike is about 2” higher due to the fat tires, I had to lower my seat to be able to get up on it. This had the unfortunate result that my leg to pedal span is 2” less.. which means I can’t get the full power from my legs….
I ran the test climb on Mt Soledad (average 6%grade) mainly because I always have to climb it to get home. The new bike because of its bulk seems so much slower but to my surprise they both climbed the same… hitting about the same speeds at the same places… Both peaked at 23.4 MPH on the climb and averaged 12.32 (new) vs 12.58 (Old) MPH… basically rounding error difference.
My real concern was to be able to keep up with the 20 somethings if I go out with a group. On the first climb I easily overtook and sped past a couple of 20 somethings which basically allayed my fears about my ability to keep up on the new bike. On subsequent trips I had to apply power sometimes to keep up but still doable. The bigger battery is definitely a plus on the LE. The Gates belt drive is a plus as there are no more greasy legs to worry about .,
Bottom Line: I ended up selling my fully loaded and keeping the Limited Edition although in hindsight I wish I had kept both.