eBike Meetup - Northern California

Is there any interest from forum members here to do a meetup?
I'm in, but I'm in the Bay Area, so I'm not super far north. Joe from Motostrano leads an ebike meetup here in the Bay Area that does mountain biking, city riding, and even bike camping. I think he organizes 10+ events a year.
Bay Area here as well, Silicon Valley.

Is Joe on the forums?
Yes, he is. Search for Motostrano on here and you'll probably find him. And try a Google search for Bay Area Ebike Meetup and I'm sure you'll find the Meetup.com page for his event(s). I try and go to as many of the Motostrano events as I can, however, there are plenty that I can't get to because they're either too early for me (e.g. 9am on a Sunday) or they're located too far from a BART/Caltrain station. I went to their recent cargo bike meetup in Golden Gate park and had a good time riding around with the group. There were some pretty cool bikes and nice people.
I also joined the Bay Area Ebike Meet-up group for a ride 3 or 4 weeks ago from the SF Ferry Terminal to the Marin Headlands and back through the Golden Gate Park. It was an amazing ride and a fun mix of people from the SF Bay Area. They've got a ebike camping trip in a week or two that I'm planning on joining as well.


Is there any interest from forum members here to do a meetup?

Please join our meet-up, we are nearly 500 members strong and growing and there's no cost to ride. I have been running these groups for a couple years now and we are all out for fun.


Our rides vary and we go all over the place. The camping trip this month got post-poned but rescheduled for later in the year. We have the ebike race on Saturday at Golden Gate Park and many more great rides ahead! The one I'm looking forward to is the ride around Lake Tahoe!

Our rides are open to any ebikes unless otherwise specified due to track or trail restrictions or advisories. We ride in groups of anywhere from 2 to 20 typically and we are out there to have fun and test the performance of our bikes and in the company of other ebikers like you.

In addition to the group rides, we host ebike demo events like this one, if you would like to test out some of our better off-road bikes in the dirt



Here's a little video showing some of the riders from our recent Sunday ride down Highway 1 from San Gregorio to Pie Ranch and back through backroads- 37 miles total and we stopped for lunch and a shared pie at Pie Ranch.
Our Ebike Meet up group (www.meetup.com/ebiketreks) keeps getting bigger! We're over 500 members so far and turn out at our rides has been exceptional. Our most recent ride had 13 riders in all and we toured through the river bike lane between Sacramento and Folsom: https://www.meetup.com/ebiketreks/events/233425168/ we mixed it up with a couple of dips in the American River to cool off and we road almost 60 miles. A wide variety of ebikes showed up and we all had tons of fun.


We have a cargo ebike meet up happening this Sunday https://www.meetup.com/ebiketreks/events/234481506/

Our next bigger ebike meetup is an eMTB demo with BULLS, Haibike and iZIP.

and then we're meeting for an on and off road ride starting in Santa Cruz and heading to Wilder Ranch.

Join us! https://www.meetup.com/ebiketreks/events/227310325/
