I'm really so tired. 10 hour round trip and the city just eats my lunch. I should go to bed. Well ......
Somehow I summoned the strength ... to cut the plastic wrap. Then I thought, " Well I'll just peak in the box and get to the rest tomorrow".
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I was quite impressed by the sturdiness of this box. I think Kyle adds those corner reinforcements ( really stiff and strong ), bands the box and then wraps the whole shebang with plastic wrap. Nice.
Inside #1:
Inside #2:View attachment 75015View attachment 75016
Tip: Don't even try to dead lift one of these bikes straight up out of their box. They are too heavy and they are stuck in there anyway. Just turn the box on its end, carefully, and tug the box out sideways on it's back wheel. Easy peasy. Even for one so tired as myself.
Strangely enough I somehow felt the strength to continue: Foam forever. Mountains of the stuff.View attachment 75017
Oh, what the heck. We'll just put these bars on here. That's easy enough:
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Oh look! A multi-tool. A unique one at that. Got a little wrench on it. Sturdy:
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Dang. Check this rack out. Hope it's as solid as it looks. I like it. Wait. Fender? I didn't order no fender. Not a bad fender though, as fenders go.
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OOOPPS! Front wheel got on there somehow. Probably did that in my sleep. I'm really so tired.
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I seem to remember dreaming about this thing. What is it? Oh yeah. That's the little thingy stuck in your front brake so your pads don't get mashed together during shipment.
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And as a parting reminder before I crawl off to bed where I will surely sleep in till at least noon tomorrow even though my battery will have charged all night .... If you have a bike coming in the mail buy a pair of these. Side dykes. Most important tool needed to get one of these girls out of her clothes. Forget knives. You will cut yourself and scratch your bike. Heavy duty toenail clippers would be a second choice.
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Aaannndddd, one more thing: If you are unwrapping a Frey bike ... one of the front wheel spacers will almost surely stick to the big plastic dish-like protector when you pull it off.
Congrats & Merry Christmas!
Like a little kid opening presents