E-trike questions

Chris - as I was reading the q&a on Noomad's website they state that it is not for people with balance issues. The Noomad is like riding on a single front wheel and the bike cannot stand on it own. I guess they are developing a bike with more stable wheels. Guess I will focus on the Kiffy.
Chris - as I was reading the q&a on Noomad's website they state that it is not for people with balance issues. The Noomad is like riding on a single front wheel and the bike cannot stand on it own. I guess they are developing a bike with more stable wheels. Guess I will focus on the Kiffy.
That's good to know. I thought it would be good for people with balance issues, but I guess not. Suddenly it's not as appealing as it once was. I have been in communications with them and I'll see if there is a way to improve the balance of the bike. It would open up a lot more possibilities if users could easily modify their existing bike.
I can't tell for sure but it looks like CIBAQ transmissions is in your spot! Big change for you! Close to the Queens Expressway, that's probably a good choice.
I don't mean to take over this thread but I listed a screenshot of the storefront below. It's right where the white van is. Supposedly it's one of the busiest bike lanes in NY so it will be a big change for us. I'm looking forward to getting started

Screenshot 2014-12-11 19.15.03.png