Here's my not quite finished conversion to an old Raleigh. Plan was to keep it as un-electric looking as possible, and to be able to cruise at 20-25kph. Weight with the new wheels/tires/motor/battery is 24kg. Total cost so far is $400nz (£200)
The new wheel set (28"/700s) were a almost a straight bolt on, a couple of bolts need machining down so the tires wont hit the fenders and I'll have to move the rear fender wire braces up 10mm. Originally I wanted to use a front hub motor so I could keep the original 3 speed rear hub but this set of unused wheels/tires/motor from a Easy Go Race came up cheap (£40) so I've gone with rear drive. The original rear hub was sprocket 18T, the new one is 16T, so my fixed gear is a little higher than "2nd" gear on the 3 speed hub. I think at 60rpm of the crank, I should be doing 25kph, which is what the quoted speed of the Easy Go Race was.
The saddle bag was purchased separately, and will hold the batteries (36v, 20ah) and the speed controller. The motor will be activated from a crank sensor and I plan to mod an old mechanical 3 speed throttle grip to activate an electronic throttle. Brakes will be swapped out for alloy ones with shorter reach as the original pressed steel ones flex heaps. The original lighting will run off the battery, through a small regulator to take it down to 6v.
The new wheel set (28"/700s) were a almost a straight bolt on, a couple of bolts need machining down so the tires wont hit the fenders and I'll have to move the rear fender wire braces up 10mm. Originally I wanted to use a front hub motor so I could keep the original 3 speed rear hub but this set of unused wheels/tires/motor from a Easy Go Race came up cheap (£40) so I've gone with rear drive. The original rear hub was sprocket 18T, the new one is 16T, so my fixed gear is a little higher than "2nd" gear on the 3 speed hub. I think at 60rpm of the crank, I should be doing 25kph, which is what the quoted speed of the Easy Go Race was.
The saddle bag was purchased separately, and will hold the batteries (36v, 20ah) and the speed controller. The motor will be activated from a crank sensor and I plan to mod an old mechanical 3 speed throttle grip to activate an electronic throttle. Brakes will be swapped out for alloy ones with shorter reach as the original pressed steel ones flex heaps. The original lighting will run off the battery, through a small regulator to take it down to 6v.
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