Drive unit/motor replacement for an Scott e-Sportster ebike/pedelec

Daniel M

New Member

I bought from someone a Scott e-Sportster 2011 e-bike for commuting . Unfortunately shortly after the drive unit start so produce some clacking kind of noise only when I pedal. Unfortunately this did not happened when I tested it before buying. Clacking is happening usually in mid load and nobody was able to give me a solution how to remove it, after a search on the net I found that is a known defect on the 2011 drive units but is only a noise it does not affect the functionality. However it is not pleasant and I want it removed.

I found an identical looking new drive unit on eBay and I am wondering if these unit are made for specific frame or it will fit anyway regardless what bike i am using. Do Bosch do proprietary mounting system dependent on the bike manufacturer?

Thank you,