Daymak Comes out with 40 mph E-bike


New Member
Theres an indiegogo campaign for a new ebike called the Chameleon Turbo. It apparently is connected via bluetooth so you can actually edit the controller from an app to increase its speed torque etc.

Also has some pretty cool looking LEDs and early price is only $599.

I mean its almost double the speed limit allowed for most places but i'm sure that it can be regulated to the appropriate speed when city driving.

You can check it out here

Let me know what y'all think!
Yeah there's pedals. But you're right, no where in the video can you see anyone actually sing them. I guess it's just to show the speed without pedaling not to mention with pedaling.
Daymak is a Toronto, Canada based scooter company. They make very good quality E-Scooters. Unfortunately, they are fairly expensive and I have found their customer service to be quite rude over the telephone I'm sorry to say :( I am a Canadian, and I want to see Canadian companies succeed, but I wish Daymak would put a little more effort into the quality of their customer relations as they do into their excellent quality electric scooter products.
Hey Mark,

I guess with customer service it really depends on who you've spoken to. But it should be on Daymak to hire customer service representatives that reflect the company. I'm sure if an email was sent to the right people you'd get your point across.
Daymak is a very loose organization. I've spoken with the main founder several times. Those guys cannot handle the success of their business literally ! They are always run off their feet, urgently busy, I haven't got time to talk to you, could you please hold the phone for 50 minutes, what ? Are you still there ? Totally disorganized geniuses ! In my best estimation in my failed attempts to deal with them, they know how to design and build brilliant products, but haven't got much of an idea on how to run customer relations ! I've seen this scenario go down many times before ! Joe starts in his garage, business expands rapidly,quickly hire extra people, Joe's brilliant, but not a people person.

PS. Good luck in Canada, trying to skirt around our rather draconian electric bike laws ! In Canada, you aren't allowed to import or retail an E-Bike which can exceed 20 MPH (32Kmhr). The only way to do this is to design and create a controller, which has a "back door," built into it, which can unlock with a code and allow the user to set parameters that allow higher speeds. Personally, I think the Canadian E-Bike Laws desperately need to change ! Motor limits should be upped from only 500 Watts to 1,000 Watts :)

P.S.S. Speed allowances upped to at least 60 Kmhr (40 MPH) :)
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To tackle the PS and PSS first. I agree with the Canada needs to loosen up on the ebike laws. It's probably something pretty low on the priority scale of things that should happen in Canada, but it would be worth taking to an MP I think.

And yeah that "Joe" story is a story I've heard too. It's hard to have a both the engineering mind and the entrepreneurial know how. It often seems like its one or the other. When was the last time you dealt with Daymak?

I'm sure we'll soon see if Daymak has decided to turn a new leaf or not in the customer service field come this year as they apparently have a few new projects they were developing a couple new products for 2016.

Either way here's hoping for a customer first type attitude. :)
The last time I dealt with Daymak was late this past Summer. They just got ruder, and ruder, and more and more abrupt on the phone each time I called them. It was really weird. Daymak began as a small retail store which grew progressively and relatively fast. It was like I was bugging them (??) They just kept saying we're really busy and we don't really have time to serve you. Uhh, OK. That just won't work from a customer POV, who's trying to buy your product ;) Wake up Daymak, please LOL ! They make this electric bigfoot E-bike, which is quite amazing ! They make really good quality stuff - They just can't do customer service. There's allot of small to mid sized Boutique E-Bike companies like this all over the E-Bike scene. No matter how good the product is, when you're about to drop $5,000 + Dollars on a purchase, and you're experiencing disrespect you walk away quickly.
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Last year, if you remember, there was an E-Bike Startup that died on arrival primarily for this reason. Very poor customer interaction and low communication. This startup also had what looks like a wonderful, even innovative E-Bike (y)
A family I know put everything that they had into the purchase two Daymak scooters only to be treated like crap by customer service after the purchases were made. The family is heartbroken. I phoned Daymak to help the family and within seconds the customer service representative was trying to pick a fight with me for no reason. I had to end the call because she was escalating and getting ruder by the second (... " I don't know how many times I have to tell you ...") Luckily I didn't give up and phoned right back. Luckily I got someone else who was willing to listen. This company needs to be reported to the Better Business Bureau. Absolutely digusting company and would never recommend.
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Last night I started chatting with customer representative online via Daymak site. My impression is that there is no real support after the purchase of the Daymak Beast model because I am not located in Canada, thus I should ask all questions to my local dealership in Greece. However, I expressed my complaint directly to the company web site as I encountered an issue with my E-bike.