DALY BMS - Beware when buying!!! - 13S 48V 40A - See Images


New Member
Hi all,

bought a DALY BMS 13S, 48V, 40A, in May 2022. This is supposed to be shock proof and waterprooof. Installed it carefully on top of my pack, secure with velco and Kapton tape on all terminals. The Silverfish case it's sealed with low module neutral cure black silicone. All the details were carefully thought and calculated. Still, after 2 months the BMS has completely died.
See images for confirmation.

Very disappointed...


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There a simple reason most battery makers and a vast mojority of resellers don’t sell a BMS. Use error followed by complaints. I have used more than a dozen Daly BMS. Issue free.
@tomjasz which Daly BMS's are you using? I cannot for the life of me get my Dalys to show charg current and they throw my bench supply way way off when charging. I got them accurately showing discharge current though my electronic load can only discharge them up to 3A, but when trying to charge they never show charge current. My bench supply is set at 58.8V/2A (should charge at 2A up until 58.8V then switch to constant voltage) - but when I try to charge it will go way lower voltage and read around 4.4A - sometimes 14.4V sometimes 17.5V, sometimes 20V. I'm ready to give up on them I already ordered a JBD BMS... My model is R16J-GF12 and by Daly's help page it uses the Sinowealth tool, has 3-pin monitor port and I've verified with a USB-UART cable PCMaster can only read params (some incorrectly) and cannot set any. Daly has so far refused to tell me what the correct IC Name is for the BMS in Sinowealth and they insisted it would work with PCMaster...

There's no way if I cannot verify these things are charging correctly I will plug them into my X1... asking for a cheap POS product to fry an incredibly expensive product. If Daly can't get me sorted out then idk what to do... I bought 5 of them because they convinced me it'd be best price per unit at low volume... I feel like a chump these things are useless. Spent way too much time and money on equipment trying to get these working. Calibration does nothing but change the CADC Offset and that does nothing to change how the BMS actually reads discharge current (or doesn't read charge current at all)

All my s*it is wired up right. Android App & Sinowealth and PCMaster show correct voltages. Shows correct discharge. Will not charge at correct voltage or current or even show charge status. All 5 of them right out of the box. Maybe this case is user error but after the weeks I've spent trying to fix my issues and research it's painfully clear Daly is horrible about shipping their products correctly configured with the right firmware and settings, and their support is pretty lacking too. For what it's worth a sales rep has spent time with me as a go-between with engineers trying to get me sorted via Whatsapp - but really that's amounted to not much considering they were wrong about what software was compatible and just stopped replying after a while... I feel swindled. I know lots of people say they are good BMS, but are a PITA to get set up and are often sent configured incorrectly.

Anyway, if youv'e got any suggestions I'm all ears. All I can think of is in the AFEReg tab of the Sinowealth tool an item that translates to 'Low voltage charging' is checked as YES - but I currently assume this only allows charging the pack back up when below the low voltage cutoff... documentation is... lacking for BMS's that use that AFEReg tab. This is the page in Chinese, run through a translator to get more descriptive names than the English language abbreviations - in the System Configuration column

which Daly BMS's are you using?
I wish I could be more helpful. I've just not has an issue. But I've only used 4 for 36V packs. I'll look back into my Aliexpress account and see if I can ID for you. I've still got a dozen cheap UPP sourced BMS that also have never been an issue.

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Considering they wake up as soon as they are plugged in and do not turn off with the button on the USB dongle either I'm considering this is probably a configuration error on their end. But all the issues I've deeply researched regarding them have been fixable by the end-user in the Sinowealth or PCMaster tool. I seem to recall some threads mentioning new firmware install for the BMS, given from Daly or dangerously sourced from someone else (would say only safe if you are 100% sure they were given the firmware for the exact same model) but I don't think I read too deeply into them as skimming showed they weren't addressing the same issue I am.

I already downloaded the latest official JBD Tool and then another one created domestically and it looks like I get the same params etc, will just have to wait and see when I get the BMS how it actually all works. There's no way an anti-spark connector would throw that off? The Daly BMS App definitely doesn't shut off the Charge or Discharge MOSFETs as the little slidy switch in the params page or password request would suggest either.
It's SO easy to toast a BMS with simple static. I work on a grounded static mat. SO MANY customers did not and many stopped selling BMS.

I'm not saying that is your problem, just something I saw... often. Sadly I'm a horticulturalist not an electronics guy. I just parrot what I think is the best advice. So far so good... Anecdotal, at best... FWIW
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I always work grounded with them - not sure if this would tell if they're toasted from static but they do correctly read 20mΩ across the B- and P- cables... just boggles the mind! Should have got separate port or... I don't even know. Hopefully come Monday in China I'll hear back from them but past experience makes me hesitant to be hopeful. Other BMS can't arrive fast enough.
Just a random thought, is Daly subject to fake products like many other Chinese electronics seem sometimes plagued by?
That's the kicker - I bought directly from them, spoke to them about what I needed and they shot me a model number, pricing etc etc. I was pretty convinced they'd be all nice and excellent. If I can figure out what's going on with the damn charging situation then I'd be satisfied with them. Sinowealth software gives a lot of control & options - but the domestic JBD software looks like it does all the same. One other frustrating issue with the Daly is the phone app Charge/Discharge MOS switches seem to be non-functioning.

Seems odd how rare a smart BMS is that has a little relay switch to turn off/on whether it's common port or not. I did order some more goodies so I can make my packs a little more durable while keeping a bullet connection between the BMS and pack for easy removal/swapping if there's any issues. I really wanted to be able to seal up the batteries and not worry about them; just have the XT90S connector and BT dongle with power switch (unfortunately non-functioning power switch on the dongle for the Daly, so moot point)

Shame because I think the JBD uses the same connector for the BT dongle as the USB plug - now knowing the power button is useless on the Daly BT dongle, if the BMS were otherwise functioning I'd probably seal up the BT dongle under the heatshrink and run the USB connector out of the pack alongside the XT90S instead.

I've heard great things about the Dalys and their sealed up packaging and heft, along with wide offering and seemingly decent English site inspired a lot of confidence - but the more I read the more it seems these issues are common and it's not at all rare to get incorrectly configured BMS's. Should have bought from a domestic supplier instead to make sure they handled all those checks before sending them out - Sriko is where I ordered the JBD from and where I'd get a JK from for a Sur Ron battery, but they were out of 14s Daly Smart BMS it seems. I had hoped getting 5 of the Dalys would have given me some relatively flexible BMS's to set up with various 14s pack sizes, but idk. Still waiting to hear back from them.
Well therein lies our differences. The only smart BMS I own are three from EM3EV and they are featureless by comparison. Any ideas from the brain trust on endless_sphere?
I get lost digging through E-S. So far I have not found any threads regarding a BMS causing weird issues with a bench supply. It's as if the BMS is trying to discharge into the power supply but... this doesn't explain why it's only going up to 17.5~17.7V and I would imagine this expensive bench supply has an inbuilt diode to prevent back feeding - it also doesn't even get hot in the slightest, though it does only seem to get warm when running over 200W or controlling current below 500mA

I sat and waited over a minute to see if the BMS would detect the charge current and switch to charging, no luck. Daly got back to me but I'm probably not going to check things over until lunch - but a preview of one of the messages (in response to a video showing the low charge voltage issue) included the phrase "why charge voltage so low? needs to be turned up" - correct yes this is the issue I pointed out.

I'm considering trying out a Cycle Satiator or just any CC/CV LED driver at the correct voltage, but again I'm wondering if I need a connection with a diode in there to prevent any chance of back feeding before relying on any similar feature of the charger.
I get lost digging through E-S. So far I have not found any threads regarding a BMS causing weird issues with a bench supply. It's as if the BMS is trying to discharge into the power supply but... this doesn't explain why it's only going up to 17.5~17.7V and I would imagine this expensive bench supply has an inbuilt diode to prevent back feeding - it also doesn't even get hot in the slightest, though it does only seem to get warm when running over 200W or controlling current below 500mA

I sat and waited over a minute to see if the BMS would detect the charge current and switch to charging, no luck. Daly got back to me but I'm probably not going to check things over until lunch - but a preview of one of the messages (in response to a video showing the low charge voltage issue) included the phrase "why charge voltage so low? needs to be turned up" - correct yes this is the issue I pointed out.

I'm considering trying out a Cycle Satiator or just any CC/CV LED driver at the correct voltage, but again I'm wondering if I need a connection with a diode in there to prevent any chance of back feeding before relying on any similar feature of the charger.
Poke Amberwolf on ES. He's quite eccentric but quite a brain! I'd just copy all from here in a new thread and poke him.
On a hunch I ran some more tests on my supply and seems to have faulty output when set above 50V... I am not happy considering I went with the 60V/15A over the 30V/30A to charge ebike batteries with... works fine below 50V though... I'm returning the DC Load I got of the same brand and spending that money on a 72V Grin Satiator. I don't think I'll cancel the JBD BMS order juuuuust in case, but I think I may top these cells up the hard way with this stupid bench supply and go for a ride tomorrow... after verifying pack discharge works and displays correctly I have more confidence in the BMS than before, the Satiator will tell the final truth.
Icing on the cake is the power supply is only 2 months out of warranty, and I would have caught this issue long ago if I hadn't let myself get sidetracked by all else life has to offer.

woe is me, there is no god!
woe is me, there is no god!
“I heard Allah and Buddha were singing at the Savior's feast
And up in the sky an Arabian rabbi
Fed Quaker Oats to a priest
Pretty good, not bad, they can't complain
'Cause actually all them gods are just about the same
Pretty good, not bad, I can't complain
'Cause actually everything is just about the same”

How wud u compare Ant Bms vs Dally ? there is also Chargery power a smaller company .
Some updates, Grin Satiator got me what I wanted, pack charges about 901Wh from 3V per cell to 4.2V per cell, LVP & HVP work to cutoff the discharge/charge MOSFETs. I tested things out with the JBD BMS and it seemed to work nicely but one thing was when I disconnected my phone from it or shut off the discharge MOSFET via the app (I cannot remember which) it made a faint little buzzing sound. I haven't really looked further into the issue as I've been enjoying riding my bike up until I sprained a couple fingers, then rode a week after thinking I was good, making the problem worse. I'm grounded now for a while but looking forward to getting back out and having some fun.
Grin Satiator got me what I wanted
An amazing piece of kit. I have two. I can’t imagine ever going back to typical chargers. i do keep a few fanless in my spares box. $10 from Aliexpress, just in case…

I did flip my 3rd Satiator a 72V, a couple of years ago there was a dealer pricing special, as I’ll never make that move up in power. Actually I’ve gone backwards to 36V retiring 52V and keeping only one 48V battery.