Cycling world

at this moment I think just the sea otter classic in the US, the rest is mostly held in the BLX, Germany and a few in Asia.
at this moment I think just the sea otter classic in the US, the rest is mostly held in the BLX, Germany and a few in Asia.
The Sea Otter Classic bike festival looks like tons of fun, and it's in Monterey, CA on April 10-13, 2025!

Very tempting. Not up for the 400-mile drive this year, but combining it with a central coast road trip next year is a definite possibility.
It will be interesting to see the ratio of conventional vs e-bike displays at these shows. There has been a bit of animosity between these two groups for some time. I'm curious how this will play out.
Eurobike is even more spread in what is exhibitioned, from start-ups to really really expensive stuff. Also a lot of parts and accessoiry brands are there and for the OEM's a lot of part brands.

Iff you are lucky as one of the stand crew you could run into an asian guy who not want to bring his samples back home and score a deal... Moestly is just gazing at cool stuy though
First reports from Taipei. China Cycling YT channel specialises in reviewing & selling Chinese components frames etc mostly for road bikes.

And Velo magazine - Neither is e bike specific but I find this stuff interesting.

There will probably be loads of other YT reviews from the show including e bike developments over next few weeks.
