cool weather gear

Sad update to this for me anyway, I took the bike to work that I had planned to add a front gear drive hub to and locked it to a bench in front of the train station at my work. Came out at 10pm and the bike has been stolen, only the front wheel still locked to the bench.
How disheartening to have a bike stolen. I had a couple bikes stolen last year. Hope it was registered, or receipts, pictures, serial number all available. Wishing you success in recovering it.
receipts, serial number were all kept and a police report has been filed, bike thefts are up in my city Winnipeg by over 100% since last year. I will look into the the Yukon fat bike since that was my 2nd choice. What it may mean is maybe an extra month or 2 before I retire to pay for it, not that big of a deal, I,m lucky enough to have my health and a good part time job
receipts, serial number were all kept and a police report has been filed, bike thefts are up in my city Winnipeg by over 100% since last year. I will look into the the Yukon fat bike since that was my 2nd choice. What it may mean is maybe an extra month or 2 before I retire to pay for it, not that big of a deal, I,m lucky enough to have my health and a good part time job
Your attitude is an inspiration, Hugh! Wishing you continued good health. I hear that Yukon is a good value.
Head makes some really nice thin gloves with grippy nibs that are perfect for driving your car in winter and riding bikes until it gets to freezing or so. Not through winter ,but until winter. On sale at Costco for 9.99 right now. I bought 3 pair. Been using them for years.