Canada Ebike & Liability Theft Insurance


New Member
Hello everyone,

The Ebike I plan on getting is the radcity 4, which has a 750W 500W Motor (speed capped to 32 km/h)

My home insurance (SquareOne) doesn't insure these types of ebikes. If I switch to BCAA, it does but is more expensive then SquareOne + BikePlan Insurance.

I was just curious, what bike insurance (if any) should I use? Based out of Canada, BC. I plan to use the bike for regular commuting to and back from work.

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I have BCAA house insurance, with an added rider for my bikes. Maximum claim of $5000 per bike.
Thanks for chiming in, yeah I think BCAA would be good, but don't want to shift to a new home insurance if I can avoid it.

I realized my bike is actually only 500W (Canada regulation, RadPower bikes are sold with different motors here.)

I am reading the policy wording on SquareOne, I think the advisor was mistaken. The wording says:
'Power-Assisted Bicycles means bicycles that are regulated by pedalling, with electric motors totaling no more than 500W that assist riders’ efforts when pedalling, to speeds of no greater than 32km/h on level ground.'

The advisor stated that it cannot be controlled with a throttle (RadCity has a throttle and Pedal Assist.) But the insurance policy makes no mention of throttles... hmm.