broken p.a.s. sensor disc replacement

is seems this is an issue & ive replaced one on my radwagon sent to me under warranty , now i have other group members with the same problem , there is now a 2 piece unit that does not require crank removal to install , they is also strength protection ring that can. be added , * there are other upgraded units .
there are 5 ,8 ,10,12 count magnets , which ones fit which model of rad bikes & does anyone have a good purchase link ?
I would think you would be pretty safe getting one with the same number of magnets that was on the original ring. Though I have seen the 2 piece, I can't help you with the source.
This seller on eBay used to make a replacement disc with the magnets. Now, all that I see listed is 2 piece protection ring. You might want to contact the seller.

Can I replace a 5 magnet ring with a 12 magnet ring.I ask this question because the 12 magnet ring is the 2 piece ring which I presume will be easier to fit.Thanks for any help.
I'd give that a try for sure!
Can I replace a 5 magnet ring with a 12 magnet ring.I ask this question because the 12 magnet ring is the 2 piece ring which I presume will be easier to fit.Thanks for any help.
Yes, this controller only senses movement of the crank, not the pedaling speed. The wattage is ramped up slowly until a certain speed, about 3.5mph so the only gain would be that the controller will sense the crank movement sooner. Assuming the magnet polarity is the same though.
Thanks for that Bking.I have now fitted the 12 magnet ring because the original one was too small for my crank and I have tested the original sensor and it seems to work.I have the bike on a pulley but am waiting for some Sugru to arrive to give the original sensor a permanent fix.Having said all that when I tested the 12 magnet sensor which would have been easier to fit it cut out my throttle for some reason.At least I have a sense of acheivement knowing the odd combination works and it keeps me occupied now we're back into lockdown here in the UK.
Ok.I suspect the JST connector wires are in a different combination but not sure.Yes,I did check the on off button.Cheers.