Bosch Powertube 750 Battery Low Range


New Member
Hello all,
I have an issue I would like to ask and see if anyone has the same type of problem. I recently purchased my second E-Bike. It has the Bosch Motor, 750ah battery and the Bosch smart system. For reference my previous bike was the exact same Bosch motor but with the 625ah battery. I often ride long distances and while the 625 had mostly a good enough range, I was excited to upgrade to a larger battery. As well it was 3 years old with over 15000 kilometers on it and was showing a noticable decrease in range. So in with the 750. Here is my problem. With the Bosch smart system, it gives a battery percentage and nit just bars. My battery percetage drops from 100 to 90 percent in an extremly short time. Around 7 kilometers. This is horrible because that would mean the range is only 70 kilometers with a fully depleted battery. The thing is, it does seem to level out after this and go down at a reasonable pace. But neverthless in total, my range is at best the same that I had with the 625 battery. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am really dissapointed in the range.
Hello all,
I have an issue I would like to ask and see if anyone has the same type of problem. I recently purchased my second E-Bike. It has the Bosch Motor, 750ah battery and the Bosch smart system. For reference my previous bike was the exact same Bosch motor but with the 625ah battery. I often ride long distances and while the 625 had mostly a good enough range, I was excited to upgrade to a larger battery. As well it was 3 years old with over 15000 kilometers on it and was showing a noticable decrease in range. So in with the 750. Here is my problem. With the Bosch smart system, it gives a battery percentage and nit just bars. My battery percetage drops from 100 to 90 percent in an extremly short time. Around 7 kilometers. This is horrible because that would mean the range is only 70 kilometers with a fully depleted battery. The thing is, it does seem to level out after this and go down at a reasonable pace. But neverthless in total, my range is at best the same that I had with the 625 battery. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am really dissapointed in the range.
What assistance mode were you riding in? Terrain? Steep hills? Headwind?
Please do not worry. You will be able to determine the actual range after gaining some experience.
What assistance mode were you riding in? Terrain? Steep hills? Headwind?
Please do not worry. You will be able to determine the actual range after gaining some experience.
Mostly in eco. Naturally steep hills on ocassion. But I am not not a newbie. I know how the range should be according to my riding style. I have been riding for years. So how can I not worry when a larger battery is giving me less range than a smaller battery?
Mostly in eco. Naturally steep hills on ocassion. But I am not not a newbie. I know how the range should be according to my riding style. I have been riding for years. So how can I not worry when a larger battery is giving me less range than a smaller battery?
I think you need several longer rides before you start worrying.
In any case, a Bosch E-Bike technician (or your LBS) could measure the actual capacity of your battery.
My eBike has 2 Batteries. Recently on some 52Km long trips I took off with both Batteries fully charged and run the first Batterie completely empty, turn her off then the other fully charged one on. When I got back home I noticed the first Batterie before was showed completely empty, now showed 20%. ***
My Gazelle with the 625 wh battery (smart system gen, 75 nm performance line) does about 70 km in Turbo Mode…

You have to run the whole battery from 100% to low for a true range test though. Extrapolation doesn’t work for li-on powered devices.