Bosch Neon.

Thanks Alasken, could you help me then, I i remove it from its cradle will that wipe out the ride that I have started, so if i go into a pub and don't want to leave it on my bike, will it start from the beginning as a new ride?


Yes the information is stored and will resume as a new ride in the continuation of the same day when you turn the Nyon back on. I do this all the time.

Also if you want to secure the display so that you can leave it in place and people cannot remove it, there is a screw hole in the display mount. You have to remove the four screws that retain the mount on the handlebars and then you can insert the screw from the back. it goes into a recess in the back of the Nyon (the Intuvia has one too) so that it cannot be slid off. Then re-attach the Dispaly with the mount in place back on the handlebars.
Cheers again Alasken. I did a ride yesterday, removed the unit twice, which when I came to look at it at the end of the ride, it had split it into 3 rides. I will have a look for the screw hole. thanks again.


If you remove the display mount, do so with care. I believe it takes a 3mm hex. There are four square, thin nuts that sit in the mount that the four screws go into from the bottom. As you turn the mount over it is possible for the nuts to drop out falling on the floor. They are small and hard to spot. When you turn the mount over to access the screw hole, it remains attached by its cable that goes through the frame into the motor. Do so with care and put a sheet of paper under it to catch a nut if it drops out. I am not sure of the size of the machine screw to be used. It needs to thread through the plastic hole in the mount into a socket in the back of the display. Obviously it needs to to into the socket and needs to be the proper length so it does not damage the display case if it is too long. Once the screw is in place, make sure all four nuts are properly lined up so that the screws will easily pass into them. Screw them in firmly but with care not to overtighten as it will distort the plastic socket and pull the nut through. This will render the display secure from casual theft. A determined thief with tools is another matter.
Although I love the Nyon, I do find it annoying that it splits the ride when I take a rest stop. I wish they had a way in the user interface to alter this behavior.