Bosch ebike system reliability

What breaks? I would assume bearings.....
I'm not entirely sure... I see error 500 and 510 with increasing frequency until the bike spends the vast majority of the time without power. I've observed rapidly chattering, intermittent power often before an error code and shutdown. Afterwards, sometimes the bike wouldn't give power for days...

I've also observed more and uneven resistance (even grinding) turning the pedals with no power or load - that is, up on the stand with the chain removed... This symptom is why I suspect the bearing seals as a weakness leading to failure.

(Please don't interpret this as dissatisfaction with the bike or Bosch. Replacing the motor at this interval still makes this way cheaper than driving)
Intersting, but has anyone taken the motor apart? Seems to me to be easily rebuildable. I keep looking for a Youtube vid....maybe I will do it one day. Just not sure Bosch will sell me parts....

This thread is fantastic! Thanks for that! Now, since this is my "daily driver", I may just buy a replacement motor, and then tear into the spare one on the bench without time pressure.

Since both my motor and battery are out of warranty, is anyone aware of a similar thread on rebuilding the Bosch batteries? Testing and replacing the cells should be relatively straightforward, but I'm not sure how to crack the case open the case without tearing it up...
I love my system and have over 4000 miles on it. I've not had a serious problem with it yet. I am though starting to notice that the controller to turn the system on and off is not as responsive as it used to be. Sometimes I have to hit it 2 or 3 times and then instead of going to the first level of assist, it jumps up to the 2nd level. No trouble at all stepping it down. This doesn't happen all the time but it is becoming more and more frequent. Anyone else experience this and if so, can I simply remove a cover and clean a contact?
Hi everyone. I'm new here on forum and new owner of bosch active pedelec bike. Since I bought from previous owner I would like to restart the odometer, so I can monitor my own kilomerers driven on my bike. How to do that? Is it safe to open intuvia and disconect the power, and do that restart the odometer?
Thanks all, and greetings from Osijek, Croatia.
I love my system and have over 4000 miles on it. I've not had a serious problem with it yet. I am though starting to notice that the controller to turn the system on and off is not as responsive as it used to be. Sometimes I have to hit it 2 or 3 times and then instead of going to the first level of assist, it jumps up to the 2nd level. No trouble at all stepping it down. This doesn't happen all the time but it is becoming more and more frequent. Anyone else experience this and if so, can I simply remove a cover and clean a contact?

Hi Teresa

Cold be your remote switch is faulty, or your display is faulty. But yes, this can be an issue with the Intuvia display.

Hi everyone. I'm new here on forum and new owner of bosch active pedelec bike. Since I bought from previous owner I would like to restart the odometer, so I can monitor my own kilomerers driven on my bike. How to do that? Is it safe to open intuvia and disconect the power, and do that restart the odometer?
Thanks all, and greetings from Osijek, Croatia.

Bombic- the only way to reset your ODO is to obtain a new motor. Opening the Intuvia won't help. Your Intuvia can be opened but afterwards it may not be water tight, so BOSCH doesn't recommend it.

Thanks motostrano. I think resseting ODO is not that important to change motor ;). Never mind, as long as I can ride it, I'm not going to mess with it.
I just bought a 2016 Felt Lebowske 10. After 4 rides totalling 75 miles, I have had the following problems. Several items have fallen off the Bosch power unit. I have not been riding aggressively and I'm sure nothing dragged or pulled on those areas. The air inlet on the bottom is missing, and the BOSCH red logo on the left is missing. On the right, the black piece of plastic (thin film) behind the right sprocket is starting to come loose.

I am waiting for my bike shop to repair it under warrantee. Is this common? Do you think Felt should replace the bike, whole drive unit, or just the missing pieces?
Thanks. Well, I don't think it is the display because the assist literally doesn't come on so the assist support matches what the controller says is happening. I'm pretty sure it is in the thumb switch. Now, it has an added new thing where when I try and step down on support, it can go up instead. Overall, this is annoying but not a big deal. I did reach out to support and I have to take it to an authorized dealer. We do have one in town but I'm not very impressed with their ebike guy so unless this gets way worse, I'm just going to continue to limp along. I don't think I'm brave enough to try and open the switch myself as I really use this as my car and being without it is a bummer.
Teresa, just clutching at straws for you with this one, but could be that an ingress of dirt or dust has become stuck under the plastic shroud that goes around the outside of the switch, and this is then preventing it from operating correctly. You can remove this shroud for cleaning, but you do need to take care doing so, as the retaining clips are quite fragile.

AnotherEBikeRider, you are the second person in as many days to have mentioned the stuck on side cover.
Personally, I'd just fix it back on with a smear of silicon and be done with it, but as your bike is so new, take it back to the dealer and request that a new decal set is fitted.
Yes, I agree, it is probably something as easy as dirt in there (I live in a desert). I don't know where the retaining clips are - can you explain how I'd remove them and get them back on?
It has been a while since I have removed mine, so I'll refresh my memory by taking mine off tomorrow, and will let you know. :)

After telling you to be very careful removing the cover, I have broken mine trying to demonstrate it for you.

Hopefully glue will repair it, if not it means buying a whole new switch! :(

One very poorly designed cover.

z1.JPG z2.JPG

It could be that the two pin contacts marked here in yellow are sticking. If it is just a dusty environment that you live/ride in, you might find that a quick blast with an airline might clear the contacts without having to even remove the cover.


edit... Thankfully quickly sorted with a bit of CT1 sealant. :)
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Oh my, thank you so much and I'm so sorry you broke your cover. Yes, I agree, it seems poorly thought through and natural that it would get some dust in there. The suggestion to blow it out is a very good one. I'll try that and see if it helps. I'm really glad you were able to glue yours back together.

Thank you so much for the instructions. I'll let you know if I end up having to remove it.
Teresa, I had the exact same problem with my brand new haibike. It was just a faulty thumb switch. The dealer put a new one on and it's been flawless for 8 months. If you are out of warranty, a new one cost's $69.00.
Awesome. Thanks for the info. It hasn't been to bad so I haven't messed with it yet. I find that I don't adjust it as much which is a bummer but ok when all I'm doing is riding to work and back. Come summer though, I'll either have to get brave and try opening it up or pop for the new switch.....thanks all.