Has anyone ever purchased an aftermarket battery to replace / supplement their Bosch battery? There are some on Alibaba but it would not make me confident unless someone has some experience with this!
I want an extra battery but $900+ is very expensive for me.
You are appealing for input from a rarefied audience, since most vendors that offer the Bosch system offer a two year warranty on Bosch related components. Thus, if a battery proves bad, it is exchanged for a replacement. I'm not sure if older battery packs can be retrofitted due to the on-board CAN bus system used by Bosch. Maybe someone with greater knowledge of this can chime in with more info. Plus, since Bosch pays UL for safety certification testing, and is the only one to do so AFAIK, I don't know the legal ramifications for a battery replacement company that "updated" such a battery pack. Would they have to grind off the UL sticker thats on the bottom of the enclosure? Just something to think about. The certification process at UL (which has 12,000 employees at various testing labs) costs money. You get what you pay for, and can sleep soundly while your bike is recharging in the garage or wherever. I've read somewhere that the addition of a Bosch mid-drive adds about $2000+ to the cost of a bike.
The problem with Bosch batteries is that, unlike Yamaha batteries, their canbus protocol has not been reversed yet, so I doubt anyone is capable of making a reliable battery for their system.