Bosch 500 has less capacity than 400?


New Member

I have a haibike xduro whose Bosch 400 battery died after only 4 years and maybe 200 charge cycles...I sprung for the 500 replacement battery at extra cost because it’s supposed to have 25% extra battery capacity.

when my 400 was fully charged, it said I had a 72 mile range on the lowest power assist I expected the fully charged 500 to say it had about about 90 mile range, instead it says 60 mile range for the brand new 500 and fully charged battery

what gives?!

Is the battery *brand* new? If so, I'd suggest giving it a few charges/discharges (and one or two down to zero and back up to 100%) and I would bet that after that, the range will increase.
Whats the actual range? The range algorithms are usually pretty wrong, so maybe it changed how it calculates it? I'd try a few rides and see how real world compares to the old battery.
Whats the actual range? The range algorithms are usually pretty wrong, so maybe it changed how it calculates it? I'd try a few rides and see how real world compares to the old battery.
it takes about a hour of riding to recalculate. so go on a few rides and see. as long as I dont hit a bunch of hills its been pretty on for me.