I guess you talked to the wrong guy.
I fueled aircraft for an FBO in my miss spent “Yoot”. I figured if Boeshield was safe for Jet Ranger electronics and the AP’s it’d be fine on eBike. Boeshield wrote, “T-9 is nonconductive and will not cause short circuits, so it’s also safe to use on electronics.”
Aircraft Spruce, “Boeing recommends it for fuselage, wing, and tail structures, engines and cowlings, landing gear and gear wells, control linkages, and
avionics. Dries to a clean waxy film. Lubricates and protects all metals for months. Safe on most paints, plastics & vinyls.
I actually have always used ACF50 labeled for electronics and avionics. But milspec docs also refer to Boeshield as appropriate.
Respectfully don’t und we stand why someone would counter their own recommendations. Go figure…