"..I also asked Chawn if my hub motor was one of the first ones with the glue problem. It was. He sent me a replacement of one of those also with the new and improved bonding agent for the internal magnets. I have yet to put that on my bike. I will keep everyone posted if there is any difference in feel in that “cogging” effect that many have talked about, including with myself. I am starting to feel like now that I can go on that 40 mile round-trip that I have been planning, which is pretty much on level pavement. This bike is truly a joy to ride when everything is working as it should...." you have already experienced that effect? (due to the loose internal magnets)...or are you expecting to feel it (again, as well) with the replacement hub...that hasn't been installed as of yet?
I must not be understanding (sorry). To be honest, I was really hoping to keep the 'bad' hub motor myself since this was already known to be a non-fixable issue yet sent it back (as instructed).
Did anybody else get to keep theirs?
We are having everyone return the bad hubs, because the shell that contains the magnets is exchangeable. We would not expect anyone to switch out their original stator/axle/controller assembly to the new shell/spokes/rim, so we have been replacing the entire wheel. Likely the returned wheels will be repaired, as new, with new shells with new glue, and returned to service.
The "cogging" feel is inherent to the design of ALL gearless hub motors, not only ours. It's nothing more than a very subtle index feel. Most people cannot feel it at all.