Blinking Charger LEDs (Never Finishes)


New Member

In the video, you cannot make out the blinking rate as easy in person. It blinks between Orange and Green rapidly when it seems that the battery is full. It has happened several times typically after very short rides with minimum battery use. Rad Power Bikes quickly replaced it.

If there is a possibility of overcharging it could be serious. Lithium batteries are dangerous. It pays to check on the chargers once and a while.
Thanks for your observations. It definitely bears watching for, with the potential that lithium batteries have.

One thing I noticed recently, while re-reading my manual. It recommends plugging the battery into the charger and then plugging the charger into the wall. I was not doing that. I wonder why, that sequence? Is there a greater chance of a short?
Not a short, just this huge pow caused by a capacitor discharging that can/will scare the beejesus out of you! Doesn't seem to hurt anything, but may cause a quick trip to the john....

That blinking may be the charger charging at a very low rate while balancing the charge across the cells. That may take a few hours if they haven't been fully charged recently (vs. charging briefly and going for a ride)
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