Blair from Ca need some advice


New Member
Hi everyone I am in search of a fat tire electric assist bike I think I have it narrowed down to the Rad Rover or Volt Yukon 750 unless someone can change my mind. So far not impressed with Volt I can't even get a hold of them to answer a few question but Rad answers every time and seems to have all the right answers other than they don't have any bikes in stock and if I am not on the ball I might not get one when they do come in. I like a few things better on the volt like the hydraulic brakes, larger battery, rack, fenders and adjustable goose neck but I am not to keen about the way the frame is cut out to mount the battery.

Thanks in advance for the help

Just to make it more interesting have you looked at teo fat bike .

I have not but will add to my list, I have started to look a bit harder at M2S, Surface and will add teo.

Sounds like you have some choices to make, if there is any way for you to find someone local with the bike of your choice and see if they will let you test ride theirs before you actually make your purchase .

Keep us updated and do not forget to post some pictures from your rides.
I have decided Rad Rover which I will order tomorrow , not one other company Answered the phone or returned my e mails so they took themselves right out of the game.
Ha, that is strange because @Teo fat bike Benoit the owner has usually answered my email with in an hour.

I hear that Rad Rover is one of the best , it was on my list until i read about Teo and then it still took me 3 months to make up my mind.